Marc Morano

Joseph Vazquez | June 13, 2024

It’s bad enough when prominent leftist media outlets try to rationalize insane communist ideas in the name of fighting climate change. But it’s downright terrifying when artificial intelligence does it on its own.

MRC Free Speech America…

Joseph Vazquez | June 4, 2024

Leftist outlets like The Atlantic seem to have a bad habit of yanking the most insane political ideas out of the ether to make them sound less nutty than they are. Its recent treatment of “degrowth communism” to fight climate change is no…

Tom Olohan | April 23, 2024

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano spoke out against President Joe Biden’s decisions to slow down American energy production while potentially easing energy sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

On the April 22 edition of Fox Business…

Tom Olohan | January 29, 2024

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano made clear that President Joe Biden’s decision to hamstring a critical American industry had nothing to do with national interest. 

Morano shredded Biden’s explanation for a so-called “pause” for…

Tom Olohan | January 10, 2024

After California’s radical electric vehicle (EV) mandate came under EPA review, Climate Depot founder Marc Morano broke down what is at stake for the country. 

Morano referenced his past work as a U.S. Senate staffer to eviscerate a…

Joseph Vazquez | January 9, 2024

The climate fanatics at The Washington Post treated an old oxymoronic article claiming that man-made global warming causing more Alaska blizzards as front-page news.

The Post took its Dec. 16, 2023, eco-propaganda headlined, “As Alaska’s…

Tom Olohan | December 28, 2023

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano eviscerated leftist climate propaganda pushed by elites during an appearance on Fox Business Tuesday. 

Morano pointed out the undeniable damage caused by climate policies on a Dec. 26 segment of Fox…

Joseph Vazquez | September 21, 2023

Media mogul and failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is not letting up on his years-long obsession with putting the nails in the coffin on the U.S. coal industry.

The Bloomberg News owner pledged another $500 million to “…

Joseph Vazquez | September 18, 2023

The New York Times seems to get a kick out of pushing hubris-riddled blather normalizing the ridiculous notion that governments can control Mother Nature to fight climate change.

A Sept. 14 Times guest essay whined that switching to…

Tom Olohan | August 17, 2023

Joe Rogan shredded the radical proposals of “climate change” activists on his show, letting viewers know that they are not only draconian, but fundamentally useless.

During the August 16 edition of The Joe Rogan Experience, host Joe…

Joseph Vazquez | August 8, 2023

It’s imbecilic for The Associated Press to act like any person with common sense would take its screeching about “human-caused climate change” seriously now after being paid millions to spread eco-propaganda.

AP’s climate “writer” Seth…

The Associated Press has been running wild with leftist climate change propaganda while being paid millions by eco-extremist organizations. And yet AP still has the audacity to pretend it's engaging in objective reporting. 


Joseph Vazquez | May 2, 2023

USA Today is raising the eco-warrior cry over the new “battleground” in the fight against the climate bogeyman: Americans’ lawns. 

No, we’re not kidding. 

The liberal newspaper doom mongered how “[g]as leaf blowers and…

Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2023

Politico is apparently suffering from a bout with confusion. The liberal outlet is floating “sav[ing] the planet” by blocking — *checks notes* — the thing that literally gives the planet life.

Politico ran a headline promoting the mad…

Jeffrey Clark | November 15, 2022

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano and Fox News host Dan Bongino slammed U.S. climate czar John Kerry’s “suicidal, climate change, global warming rollout” on Saturday after he boasted to world leaders that his climate scheme would be similar to…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2022

It’s happened. The eco-crazies in the liberal media are trying to mesh climate change and the pandemic into one big fear porn monstrosity.

The Guardian released a nutty story Oct. 18 propagandizing how “[t]he next pandemic may come not…

Joseph Vazquez | September 20, 2022

PolitiFact had the audacity to argue like President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist policies didn't really have anything to do with America’s energy inflation crisis, continuing to prove why its worthless so-called “fact-checks” belong in the trash bin…

Joseph Vazquez | June 9, 2022

The New York Times had the gall to publish an essay that tried to paint skyrocketing consumer prices as a good thing because it will make Americans’ diets more eco-friendly.

Journalist Annaliese Griffin praised in a June 2 write-up for…

Joseph Vazquez | March 31, 2022

New York Times columnist Tom Friedman has a hot take about the Ukraine War, and of course, it involved trying to freak people out about climate change.

Friedman blurted in a new op-ed that the Ukraine War “needs to end with America…

Joseph Vazquez | February 25, 2022

UPDATE: The White House released a readout Feb. 25 confirming that its meeting on combatting climate change denial had in fact taken place.


The leftist U.K.-based Center for Countering…