Hunter Biden

Alexander Hall | September 13, 2021

Facebook reportedly has a specific set of elite users who don't have to follow the same censorship rules applied to average users. 

There’s a club of elites who don't have to follow the same rules, and Facebook has reportedly hidden…

Alexander Hall | November 2, 2020

Big Tech has worked hard to influence the 2020 presidential election to aid the left.

The major social media sites have restricted conservative content, censored the president of the United States and even silenced content from a major…

Kayla Sargent | October 30, 2020

Halloween, fittingly, is tomorrow, and what could be scarier than the continued censorship of the free press? 

For the seventeenth day in a row, the New York Post’s Twitter account still appears to be locked, even with the…

Joseph Vazquez | October 27, 2020

NBC News, which helped push the Trump-Russia hoax for nearly four years, is now using Russian President Vladimir Putin as a source to try to discredit President Donald Trump for criticizing Hunter Biden’s alleged nefarious dealings in Ukraine.…

Alexander Hall | October 26, 2020

Twitter does not hide its brazen efforts to protect the Bidens’ reputations from scandalous reports.

Even in a divided year like 2020, conservative and liberal commentators can agree that Big Tech censorship is a menace to civilization.…

Kayla Sargent | October 15, 2020

Leading Republicans were furious following the Twitter and Facebook dumpster fire of censorship yesterday. 

Both sites censored an article from the New York Post, which claimed to expose the alleged corrupt dealings of Democratic…

Corinne Weaver | October 15, 2020

Facebook and Twitter decided yesterday to censor, suppress and ban content related to the New York Post’s bombshell story about Hunter Biden’s emails. But even the liberal fact-checking partner to Facebook, Poynter, criticized the decision to…

Joseph Vazquez | October 15, 2020

Wondering why Facebook and Twitter snapped into the full-on Orwellian Ministry of Truth by censoring the New York Post bombshell on Hunter Biden?

Donation records may help explain that. 

Open Secrets records revealed that for…

Alexander Hall | October 14, 2020

Twitter, following Facebook’s lead, is now suppressing a story. These actions seem designed to aid the Democratic Party and former Vice President Joe Biden just weeks before the presidential election on November 3, 2020. 

In a…

Corinne Weaver | October 14, 2020

UPDATED: Facebook is suppressing information in a draconian fashion, just weeks before the presidential election. These actions seem designed to aid former Vice President Joe Biden. Twitter also threw its hat into the censorship ring, suspending…

Alexander Hall, Alec Schemmel | October 12, 2020

Facebook executives have claimed they are restricting content to prevent “civil unrest.” But Facebook has repeatedly censored or banned groups on the right while allowing reportedly violent Antifa factions and left-wing militia organizations.…

Craig Bannister | October 8, 2020

“What chance do average Americans have for free speech” if Big Tech platforms like Facebook blatantly censor conservative commentator and Constitutional Scholar Mark Levin, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) asked Thursday, prompting Levin to agree and vow…