Global Warming

Joseph Valle | July 8, 2019

Back to the Future is a classic film trilogy, and actor Christopher Lloyd would love to make a fourth movie as Dr. Emmett ‘Doc’ Brown about an issue like climate change.

SlashFilm senior writer Ben Pearson wrote July 7 …

Joseph Valle | June 27, 2019

Left-wing Guardian columnist George Monbiot is often unhinged on climate issues. Now he’s blasted Royal Dutch Shell for extracting oil and gas that “will destroy our lives” and calling it a “planetary death machine.…

Joseph Valle | June 24, 2019

When the left conducts polls, it’s not surprising to see how they can manipulate questions to obtain their desired results.

Atlantic staff writer Robinson Meyer on June 21 gushed how the Democratic Party has “become more…

Julia A. Seymour | June 14, 2019

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg reannounced a $500-million effort to eradicate coal and natural gas use in the U.S. on June 6. ABC, CBS and NBC news didn’t even flinch.

That night the three broadcast evening shows made no time for…

Joseph Vazquez III | June 6, 2019

Democratic presidential front-runner, former Vice President Joe Biden gave Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal a big bear hug, with the release of his 22-page climate plan June 4.

The Atlantic called it a “mini green…

Joseph Valle | June 6, 2019

Liberal Hollywood celebrities love to talk about saving the planet from climate change. They blame carbon-spewing humans for planetary crisis, all while living like hypocrites.

One of the biggest is actor and producer Leonardo DiCaprio.…

Julia A. Seymour | May 31, 2019

It’s hard to follow a stunt like setting a globe aflame and proclaiming the world is “on fucking fire” because of global warming, but Bill Nye “The Science Guy” managed in it a CNN podcast interview.


Joseph Valle | May 28, 2019

Not content solely to use the offensive “climate denier” term against dissenting views on climate change, a Guardian writer adopted the term “extinction deniers” in a tirade against skeptics on May 23.


Julia A. Seymour | May 22, 2019

Liberal billionaire George Soros gives millions each year to fund a left-wing media empire that promotes far-left opinions. It’s only natural that some of those Soros-funded or Soros-linked media are pushing the eco-socialist Green New Deal…

Julia A. Seymour | May 17, 2019

Just when it seemed The Guardian couldn’t become even more biased on climate issues than it already was, it announced updates to its “style guide” to even more extreme language on the subject.

The British paper announced…

Julia A. Seymour | May 13, 2019

Fewer people are now in favor of the Green New Deal and the disappointment of The Washington Post was palpable.

It turned out that once more people knew more about the socialist fantasy to save the planet (and give away a bunch of other…

Julia A. Seymour | May 1, 2019

Anti-capitalist, and self-proclaimed “rabble-rousing leftist” climate activist Naomi Klein took liberal guilt complexes to a new level at a conference to compel a transformation in climate change media coverage.

Speaking on a…

Julia A. Seymour | April 30, 2019

It’s clear The New York Times has its mind made up about climate change and the debate is over — at least in their newsroom.

Speaking on a journalism panel on April 30, International climate change reporter Somini Sengupta…

Julia A. Seymour | April 25, 2019

There’s often a clear anti-capitalist bent to environmental alarm, as Guardian columnist George Monbiot proved again April 25.

“Our choice comes down to this. Do we stop life to allow capitalism to continue, or stop capitalism…

Julia A. Seymour | April 22, 2019

This Earth Day The Washington Post Magazine used images of burning globes, an illustration of sea levels so high modern apartments resemble Atlantis, and a photo illustration of Marines raising a green flag over Iwo Jima.

And that was…

Julia A. Seymour | April 19, 2019

Columbia Journalism School wants “a new playbook” for journalism in a “1.5 degree world” because “we believe the news business must also transform.” So they’ve handpicked a selection of global warming…

Julia A. Seymour | March 28, 2019

A melting glacier in Greenland has reversed course, adding ice mass and shocking scientists. But since it’s supposed to be part of global warming, it’s “bad news” even when the glacier added ice.

When it was losing…

Julia A. Seymour | March 28, 2019

The Green New Deal plan got zero votes in the Senate this week. Z-E-R-O. Yet progressives continue to claim people “like” the plan, with the help of the liberal media.

Not a single Democrat senator voted in favor of the Green…

Julia A. Seymour | March 22, 2019

It turns out the Green New Deal is even too extreme for even the solar and wind industry — especially its elements that extend far beyond energy and climate policy, according to Reuters.

Just don’t expect other media to jump…

Julia A. Seymour | March 20, 2019

California’s “Mediterranean climate” gets attention when it can be used to leverage panic over climate change and when people’s lives and properties are at risk. But the broadcast networks have proved that when it cycles…