Global Warming

Joseph Vazquez | July 23, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks didn’t seem to care that President Joe Biden canceled the Keystone XL while behaving like a Russian crony and approving the country’s controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline. 

CNBC reported July 21…

Joseph Vazquez | July 1, 2021

Does The New York Times ever get tired of pushing content that reeks of eco-extremism? Apparently not.

Times opinion columnist Farhad Manjoo published an absurd op-ed with a blaring headline, “Democrats Have a Year to Save the Planet.”…

Joseph Vazquez | June 30, 2021 founder Steve Milloy ripped President Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency for filling a core committee with compromised eco-partisans. The junk science buster is vowing to sue the Biden administration as a result.

Joseph Vazquez | June 29, 2021

The climate doom-mongers at The New York Times must now face the reality that their decades-old eco-Armageddon predictions were flat out wrong.

The Times screeched in a 1995 story how “some of the predicted effects of climate change may…

Joseph Vazquez | June 28, 2021

A leftist assistant professor argued that the U.S. needs to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars to fight climate change. And spending “trillions” is just the “down payment,” according to her perspective.

University of California, Santa…

Joseph Vazquez | June 7, 2021

The New York Times told home-buyers to infuse eco-extremism into their decision-making when buying their homes.

The latest climate drivel for The Times was headlined, “Add ‘Climate Hazards’ to Your Home-Buyer’s Checklist.” The lede…

Joseph Vazquez | May 27, 2021

Climate Depot Founder Marc Morano spoke with the Media Research Center about former Vice President Al Gore’s useless 2006 eco-extremist film An Inconvenient Truth after its 15th anniversary on Monday.

The key point? Several major,…

Joseph Vazquez | May 11, 2021

The New York Times recently argued that abandoning the bathtub and ditching social hygiene can save the planet. Unfortunately, that’s no joke.

The deranged Times story was headlined “See Fewer People. Take Fewer Showers.” Times “breaking…

Joseph Vazquez | April 26, 2021

Hoover Institution Visiting Fellow Bjorn Lomborg joined Fox Business to discuss his recent op-ed lambasting President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist agenda.

Lomborg’s op-ed called Biden’s agenda “unrealistic” and “implausible.” Lomborg swatted…

Joseph Vazquez | April 23, 2021

The New York Times economist Paul Krugman misrepresented a document by the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) to claim that the union endorsed President Joe Biden’s anti-coal, eco-extremist agenda.

Krugman’s latest op-ed cited only a…

Joseph Vazquez | April 22, 2021

CNN announcing its “Climate Crisis” town hall after Project Veritas exposed its plans for pushing climate propaganda post-COVID revealed just how much of a farce the network’s eco-extremist narrative is.

A new story by CNN was plastered…

Joseph Vazquez | April 20, 2021

Time magazine continued its sad history of pushing the inconsistent climate nuttiness it’s been peddling for decades.

The magazine released a new cover story with a headline that once again reeked of climate Armageddon agitprop: “Climate…

Joseph Vazquez | April 19, 2021

A new wacky report by Greenpeace underscored the Marxist left’s obsession with connecting the completely unrelated issues of eco-fanaticism and racism.

The April 13 report was published with a blaring headline, “Fossil Fuel Racism.” The…

Joseph Vazquez | April 16, 2021

An asinine Bloomberg op-ed suggested that maybe it’s best if people who lost energy jobs under President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist agenda don’t get the new green jobs he falsely promised at all. 

Bloomberg Opinion Editor Mark…

Craig Bannister | April 13, 2021

A number of major news organizations worldwide, ranging from Scientific American and The Columbia Journalism Review to The Guardian and Al Jazeera, have signed a pledge to begin referring to “climate change…

Joseph Vazquez | March 30, 2021

We’ve reached a point of media insanity where liberal outlets are trying to convince people that pollution causes their private parts to shrink.

Sky News, PinkNews, VICE, Business Insider and TMZ all pushed stories propagandizing a…

Nicholas Cantin | March 29, 2021

Axios Future correspondent Brian Walsh, in a shocking takedown, upended the ideals of environmentalists that want to stall the economy to save the planet.

Axios, not known for going against the progressive liberal policy grain, …

Joseph Vazquez | March 22, 2021

The Washington Post Editorial Board tried to scare the U.S. Senate into passing sweeping legislation to fight climate change.

The liberal paper’s March 18 editorial headline seemed to suggest Armageddon could happen tomorrow: “The danger…

Joseph Vazquez | March 18, 2021

The Wall Street Journal took a sledgehammer to a scheme by President Joe Biden's administration to push job-killing climate regulations without congressional approval.

A new Journal editorial exposed how “Democratic AGs, green…

Joseph Vazquez | February 26, 2021

On Thursday, Hoover Institution visiting fellow Bjorn Lomborg joined Fox Business to slap down the left’s climate change fanaticism.

Lomborg told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow that there’s “a lot of hype going on with climate…