Global Warming

Catherine Salgado | April 20, 2023

Communist Chinese government-tied TikTok is looking to censor content questioning “climate change” narratives, even though China is considered the biggest polluter, and least “green,” nation in the world.

A TikTok press release about…

Renata Kiss | March 23, 2023

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld doused the woke climate change cult in a heavy layer of sarcasm on Wednesday night’s Gutfeld! as he ridiculed a New York Times hypocritical doom and gloom take on the latest UN climate report. 


Renata Kiss | March 22, 2023

Gone are the days of “climate alarmism,” CNN chief climate correspondent Bill Weir said. But unfortunately, he hasn't come to his senses. He's doubling down on the latest UN doom-and-gloom climate report. 

“There’s no such thing as…

Joseph Vazquez | March 1, 2023

Energy journalist Robert Bryce blasted the liberal media for bypassing the nefarious agenda of the “anti-industry” movement in a new report detailing the billions that go towards crushing American capitalism and success. 


Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2023

Politico is apparently suffering from a bout with confusion. The liberal outlet is floating “sav[ing] the planet” by blocking — *checks notes* — the thing that literally gives the planet life.

Politico ran a headline promoting the mad…

Joseph Vazquez | February 23, 2023

CNBC anchor Joe Kernen ripped the meaningless political theater by woke CEOs who pontificate about renewable energy to fight climate change but have no real sense as to how to fully transition away from fossil fuels.

United Airlines CEO…

Joseph Vazquez | February 22, 2023

Want to fight global warming? Start rationing like Britain did in World War 2! At least, that’s the idea that “one of Britain’s oldest and most influential newspapers” is promoting.

British publication The Times ran one of the nuttiest…

Renata Kiss | February 14, 2023

Woke Inc. author Vivek Ramaswamy said that the left’s climate religion “has about as much to do with the climate as the Spanish inquisition had to with Christ which is to say nothing at all.”

 The Strive Asset Management Executive…

Autumn Johnson | January 18, 2023

Independent journalist Michael Shellenberger said Tuesday that Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter is a significant obstacle to the radical World Economic Forum’s agenda.

Shellenberger, who has reported on batches of Twitter Files exposing…

Joseph Vazquez | January 9, 2023

Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume lambasted CBS News’ 60 Minutes for propping up the debunked babblings of overpopulation-obsessed climate fanatic Paul Ehrlich.

Hume rebuked CBS as a network for having gone the way of the “woke…

Joseph Vazquez | January 3, 2023

CBS took a page out of the movie script from Ron Howard’s Inferno (2016) and gave airtime to the widely-debunked, overpopulation-obsessed Paul Ehrlich to stoke new conniptions over extinction.

Ehrlich decried population “growth mania…

Joseph Vazquez | December 12, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news networks chose to whitewash news that the world’s second largest investment firm left a woke “climate alliance” of elitist money managers.

Financial Times reported Dec. 7, that Vanguard Group departed…

Jeffrey Clark | November 15, 2022

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano and Fox News host Dan Bongino slammed U.S. climate czar John Kerry’s “suicidal, climate change, global warming rollout” on Saturday after he boasted to world leaders that his climate scheme would be similar to…

Joseph Vazquez | November 15, 2022

Leave it to Reuters to indirectly resurrect eco-extremist Dr. Paul Ehrlich’s hysterical “The Population Bomb” as the culprit behind the left’s struggles to achieve so-called “climate justice.”

Reuters published an asinine climate doom-…

Jeffrey Clark | November 9, 2022

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change John Kerry gloated as Republicans picked up seats in the House, telling Bloomberg News that even a House flip would not stop the left from imposing disastrous climate change policies. 

Jeffrey Clark | November 7, 2022

A climate expert exposed an extreme report for hyping the supposed dangers of climate change just two days before the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) began in Egypt. 

“The climate crisis is killing us. #COP27 must…

Jeffrey Clark | October 20, 2022

CNBC aired a fawning, 10-minute-long, Soviet-style interview with leftist billionaire Bill Gates on raising capital to combat climate change and promote the woke environmental, social and governance (ESG) regime across America. The two-star CNBC…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2022

It’s happened. The eco-crazies in the liberal media are trying to mesh climate change and the pandemic into one big fear porn monstrosity.

The Guardian released a nutty story Oct. 18 propagandizing how “[t]he next pandemic may come not…

Brian Bradley | October 18, 2022

Suppressing so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation” online about topics like climate change could whitewash the historical record.

That’s the core thesis of a piece published Thursday by American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

Joseph Vazquez | October 17, 2022

Newsweek wasted column space treating a claim that nuclear war could “solve” climate change as serious enough to warrant a fact-check, and ended up legitimizing the idea to an extent. Yes, really.

The insane article, headlined “Fact Check…