
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 4, 2022

People interested in the struggle for free speech, fair play, and the free market likely have seen a profusion of new reports revealing the “sides” certain social media and video platforms are choosing.

Are they aligning with liberty and…

Catherine Salgado | March 9, 2022

Does biased NewsGuard automatically favor state-affiliated media? The liberal online “credibility” arbiter gave seven traditionally non-autocratic state-affiliated media outlets around the world an average score of 98.6/100.

MRC Free…

Alexander Hall | July 13, 2021

France has put its money where its mouth is by demanding hundreds of millions of dollars from Google as punishment for allegedly refusing to work within the country’s competition guidelines.

Americans may be shocked to find that Europeans…

Julia A. Seymour | December 5, 2018

France’s increasingly violent “yellow vest” protests began as grassroots, working-class opposition to a fuel tax hike that was promoted by the government as climate change action. But network stories about the protests ignored…

Alexander Hall | November 13, 2018

Facebook will permit countries in Europe an unprecedented level of access to how it controls content.

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced that in 2019, French regulators will be given access to Facebook’s content…

Alexander Hall | November 12, 2018


The French government and U.S. tech giants are pushing for a worldwide initiative to regulate the internet — including the issue of hate speech.

The new declaration from the French government titled the “Paris…