Fox Business Network

Callista Ring | December 9, 2016

The media’s crusade against “fake news” on the Right is no more than an attempt to “shut down conservative outlets” according to Dan Gainor, MRC’s Vice President for Business and Culture.

Callista Ring | December 5, 2016

As traditional media continue to disparage President-elect Donald Trump’s every move, MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor mocked the hate fest. “The American media have so lost their moorings since the post-…

Sam Dorman | December 2, 2016

Not everyone in the news media cheered on the November jobs report. Fox Business Network (FBN) anchor Stuart Varney criticized the report’s numbers on Dec. 2.

“178,000 new jobs created. Let’s call that a weak report,…

Callista Ring | November 22, 2016

Donald Trump has continuously circumnavigated the media, proving that he “doesn’t need the media, he is the media,” according to MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor.

Following the confusion leading up…

Callista Ring | November 22, 2016

As the media continue to target president-elect Donald Trump, MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor urged the media to “start being professional and do their jobs right.”

On Fox Business…

Callista Ring | November 18, 2016

Since the 2016 presidential election, the media have doubled down in their efforts to undermine president-elect Donald Trump.

On Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight on November 17, MRC Vice President for Business and Culture…

Sam Dorman | August 24, 2016

MRC’s Dan Gainor rebuffed Clinton campaign complaints of distortion on the part of Associated Press due to recent reporting on the Clinton Foundation scandal.

On Aug. 23, AP reported that a disturbing amount of Clinton’s…

Julia A. Seymour | June 24, 2016

Reacting to the shocking news of Great Britain’s decision to exit the European Union, UK-born Fox Business Network anchor Stuart Varney responded to “fearmongering…

Sam Dorman | May 26, 2016

Former Reagan official David Stockman predicted that whoever was elected president in 2016 would “inherit a recession.”

Stockman, former Director of the Office of Management and Budget for President Ronald Reagan, said on May…

Sam Dorman | January 14, 2016

Economist Steve Moore told Fox Business Network correspondent Charlie Gasparino on Jan. 14, that Republicans would win the presidency if the current economic malaise persists in nine months.

“If we’re in…

Aly Nielsen | November 12, 2015

A group of student activists calling itself the Million Student March are demanding free education. What they need are more math classes and the reality check that nothing in life is free.

A student spokesperson for the group proved that…