Forbes Magazine

Catherine Salgado | July 2, 2024

Forbes is once again calling for harsh censorship and promoting a Supreme Court decision that struck a major blow at First Amendment rights.

After the Wednesday Supreme Court Murthy v. Missouri ruling that refused to restrict or stop…

Catherine Salgado | June 3, 2024

A legacy media outlet is doubling down on its leftward political lurch by pushing businesses to apply the draconian speech controls employed by social media giants to online shopping, dating, reviews and more.

Forbes, the outlet that once…

Catherine Salgado | March 28, 2024

It’s not just censorship. The federal government reportedly ordered Google to reveal which users were watching certain videos on its YouTube platform.

The feds face a U.S. Supreme Court case for coordinating with Big Tech to violate…

Joseph Vazquez | November 22, 2023

Forbes is taking the Thanksgiving season to wokescold companies on why they should “decenter whiteness” in their workplaces. Yes, you read that right.

Forbes’ racist Nov. 19 post of its propaganda on X spoke for itself: “3 Ways To…

Nicholas Schau | June 30, 2023

A newly released memo has revealed the communist Chinese government-tied TikTok’s coping strategy to censor its critics.

TikTok came under fire for plotting a draconian campaign to save face, including partnering with allies to allegedly…

Nicholas Schau | June 28, 2023

Forbes Media editor-in-chief Steve Forbes torched President Joe Biden’s administration and its ridiculous economic and inflation-related policies.

Forbes tore into an absurd statement made by top Biden economic advisor Jared…

Luis Cornelio | June 9, 2023

TikTok has found itself once again in deep waters over its alleged mishandling of Americans’ private data, after the launch of a bipartisan congressional probe.

Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) issued a letter…

Nicholas Schau | May 26, 2023

While the rest of America was busy being appalled, leftist media hacks celebrated Target’s disturbing line of LGBTQ-themed merchandise designed by an avowed Satanist.

Various news outlets, including TheStreet, NBC, CNN and Forbes, went…

Tom Olohan | May 23, 2023

Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz has weighed in to defend Elon Musk’s criticisms of George Soros and offered a few scathing remarks of his own. 

Dershowitz published a May 21 op-ed in The Wall Street Journal…

Tom Olohan | May 18, 2023

After Twitter owner Elon Musk’s tweets about leftist mega donor George Soros drew heavy criticism from across the leftist media, Musk was not only undeterred but tripled down on his earlier comments. 

Musk responded directly to a “…

Joseph Vazquez | May 17, 2023

Forbes magazine had an absolute cow over Twitter owner Elon Musk calling out leftist billionaire George Soros’ nutty open society agenda.

Forbes railed against Musk for daring to criticize Soros and accused him of “closely mirror[ing]…

Luis Cornelio | March 17, 2023

ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, finds itself in more turmoil as a new report suggests that the FBI and Justice Department are investigating the communist Chinese government-tied company’s efforts to spy on U.S.-based journalists.

Autumn Johnson | January 23, 2023

TikTok reportedly confirmed to Forbes magazine that its own employees can arbitrarily boost videos on the platform.

The report, which was published by Forbes on Friday, illustrates just how the company manipulates its users. TikTok and…

Catherine Salgado | August 24, 2022

Chinese Communist Party-tied ByteDance not only owns other tech companies like the U.S. app TikTok, it also is extending its influence to sectors including news and the medical industry, Forbes reported.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-tied…

Catherine Salgado | August 5, 2022

Former moderators for Chinese Communist Party-tied TikTok reportedly said that their training materials included a large amount of explicit child abuse videos and images.

Former third-party moderators for TikTok from the company…

Jeffrey Clark | April 4, 2022

Billionaire and Tesla CEO Elon Musk slammed woke corporate policies as “the Devil Incarnate” on Twitter. 

Is the world’s richest man, worth $298 billion according to Forbes, totally based now? 

Musk recently made waves…

Jeffrey Clark | March 11, 2022

The liberal media has been firing its propaganda machine on all cylinders to cover for President Joe Biden’s disastrous energy policies that helped send gas prices sky-high. 

It seems The New York Times, CNN, Bloomberg News and The…

Joseph Vazquez | February 25, 2022

UPDATE: The White House released a readout Feb. 25 confirming that its meeting on combatting climate change denial had in fact taken place.


The leftist U.K.-based Center for Countering…

Joseph Vazquez | December 17, 2021

Billionaire Elon Musk has made a name for himself recently by mocking the left’s nonsensical multitrillion-dollar economic agenda. Two major media personalities have said he’s a good fit to replace Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell.

Joseph Vazquez | October 21, 2021

Legacy outlets are making fools of themselves by spinning the news that President Joe Biden’s Internal Revenue Service is targeting Americans and their bank accounts.

The National Review editorial board reported Oct. 15 that a “provision…