
Ashley Rae Goldenberg | July 30, 2018

InfoWars founder Alex Jones is currently in the midst of a 30-day Facebook suspension for allegedly violating the site’s rules against “bullying” and “hate speech.” It has even resulted in surprising support from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). Jones…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | July 18, 2018

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has recently been trying to strike a balance between cracking down on fake news, hoaxes, and hate speech and allowing a diversity of opinions on the site. In a recent interview with Recode, Zuckerberg took one of his…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | July 18, 2018

President Trump’s team appears to be bucking the mainstream media for positive publicity and, instead, is relying on Facebook advertisements. A study shows that from May until June, Trump and his political action committee have reportedly…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | July 17, 2018

Liberal news sources appear to have a problem with more than just InfoWars: now they’re going after the Daily Caller.

According to The Wall Street Journal, during an off-the-record meeting with Facebook last week, editors from…

Corinne Weaver | July 17, 2018

Even congressmen can’t get calls for assassination deleted from Facebook — unless they bring them up at a congressional hearing.

During the House Judiciary Committee hearing on “Examining the Content Filtering Practices…

Gabriel Hays | July 17, 2018

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, came out swinging at the House Judiciary hearing about censoring conservatives. He criticized Facebook’s eagerness to address Democrat questions about Russian use of the platform, but less so about GOP inquiries…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | July 3, 2018

If you’re looking for yet another reason to be grateful to live in the United States of America this Fourth of July, look no further than Uganda, which just introduced a tax on social media.

According to the BBC, Uganda’s tax…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | July 2, 2018

Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, who reportedly made $500 million from to his 2 percent stake in the company, has been recently campaigning on a platform of guaranteed basic income at the expense of the 1 percent.

In February 2018,…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | June 29, 2018

A new study released by the Pew Research Center shows that a majority of Americans believe it is likely that social media sites censor political views. A majority of both Democrats and Republicans believe social media sites censor political…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | June 25, 2018

The main Twitter and Facebook accounts representing terrorist group Hezbollah were reportedly shut down over the weekend.

Ynet reported that Hezbollah announced over Telegram, an encrypted messaging app, that its main social media pages…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | June 22, 2018

Facebook cracked down this week on Splinter News for sharing a link to its article revealing Stephen Miller’s personal cell phone number. According to Facebook’s Community Standards, posting links that contain an individual’s…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | June 8, 2018

This summer, Facebook is debuting its own slate of original programming, funded by the tech giant. Out of the seven original shows announced, five have clear left-wing agendas.

Deadline reports the first batch of shows are On Location…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | May 16, 2018

Facebook revealed there was a 56 percent increase in the number of posts removed for violating the site’s “hate speech” rule.

Facebook’s Community standards Enforcement Preliminary Report showed that between…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 10, 2018

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg ran smack into questions about the site’s neutrality during his testimony in front of members of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) questioned Zuckerberg, asking if the site is a…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | March 26, 2018

Android users who installed Facebook’s Messenger app on their devices may have had their call and text histories logged for approximately two years, according to a report in Ars Technica.

Ars Technica reported that the issue…

Sam Dorman | March 7, 2016

Journalist and filmmaker Phelim McAleer said Facebook censored him after he challenged anti-drilling activists on his documentary’s social media site.

McAleer issued a press release on March 7, claiming Facebook suspended the…