
Brian Bradley | December 16, 2021

Big Tech and social media platforms censored conservatives in 2021 with a ruthlessness and standardization never seen before.

Silicon Valley Big Tech giants like Twitter and Facebook appear to have adopted an explicit policy to suppress…

Catherine Salgado | December 13, 2021

Veteran Facebook executive Andrew Bosworth told Axios, “If your democracy can’t tolerate the speech of people, I’m not sure what kind of democracy it is … [Facebook is] a fundamentally democratic technology.” This is paradoxical considering how…

Catherine Salgado | December 10, 2021

Meta is doubling down on its use of artificial intelligence (AI) to detect alleged “harmful content,” even though AI algorithms have been shown to be biased or error-prone in censoring content.

Censorship and moderation AI is really “…

Gabriela Pariseau | December 8, 2021

MRC’s CensorTrack found 100 examples of Big Tech censoring content and users who affirm only two genders or recognize biological gender differences over the last 11 months. That’s an average of about two censorship incidents a week.


Autumn Johnson | December 4, 2021

In a scathing Twitter thread, the editor of The Daily Caller slammed Big Tech social media platforms for continuing to favor leftist viewpoints online. 

Geoffrey Ingersoll, The Caller's editor-in-chief, tweeted no…

Autumn Johnson | December 2, 2021

Meta removed over 160 Facebook and Instagram accounts linked to Hamas, a designated terrorist group, according to The Jerusalem Post.

The accounts were reportedly primarily operated in the Gaza Strip and targeted “Palestinian territories…

Alexander Hall | December 1, 2021

Facebook has reversed its crackdown of searches related to Kyle Rittenhouse now that he has been found not guilty.

During a national wave of riots in the summer of 2020, teenager Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people in Kenosha, Wis., in…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | December 1, 2021

It’s Episode Fourteen of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about satire sites, funny memes and tweeting jokes … all of which Big Tech censored.

The Babylon Bee is a satirical news site whose slogan is “…

Catherine Salgado | November 24, 2021

TIME magazine may need to take some time off after defending a censorship advocate. Leftist activist turned Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen has become internationally famous for allegedly taking on Big Tech, and calling for more…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | November 24, 2021

It’s Episode Thirteen of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about how Big Tech is censoring users who stand with Rittenhouse, sympathize with him, or support the verdict. 

In 2020, during an anti-…

Catherine Salgado | November 23, 2021

Conservative Partnership Institute Senior ­Director of Policy Rachel Bovard slammed Big Tech censorship of free speech in a New York Post op-ed, on Monday. “Speech, as such, is no longer allowed on the [Big Tech] platforms. Just correct speech,”…

Alexander Hall | November 23, 2021

Activists reportedly bullied Facebook into discriminating against white people and men.

At the same time, the platform is selectively protecting certain groups of minorities, a Washington Post story indicated. Activists infamously…

Alexander Hall | November 18, 2021

Media mogul and Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch reportedly skewered Facebook and Google for undermining conservatives with censorship and called for “algorithmic transparency.” 

The man behind America’s biggest conservative news…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | November 17, 2021

It’s Episode Twelve of MRC’s new video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we reached our 3,000th entry on CensorTrack.org. From one of the top conservative TV hosts, to the founder of Barstool Sports, to our very own censorship segment, the…

Catherine Salgado | November 16, 2021

The Nine Realms (or perhaps, in this case, the Hundred Realms) may soon be part of our reality, not just a superhero movie concept. Meta is only one of the multiple companies rushing to create a plan for their own metaverse, and several of these…

Autumn Johnson | November 16, 2021

Nick Clegg, Vice President of Global Affairs at Meta, says the world needs a “global internet.”

“Meta” is the new name for Facebook.

In an op-ed at Financial Review, Clegg said “global rules” were needed for a “global internet.”…

Alexander Hall | November 15, 2021

Boy does this sound familiar. Facebook allowed far-left group Shut Down DC to send protestors to the doorstep of politicians and even buy advertising to spread the word.

It’s one thing to give Big Tech companies the benefit of the doubt,…

Autumn Johnson | November 14, 2021

A report from The Washington Post suggests Facebook purposefully prevents users from controlling their own feeds.

The “News Feed” feature on Facebook is meant to show the user the most up-to-date posts from friends, family, public figures…

Craig Bannister | November 12, 2021

Two-thirds of U.S. adults don’t trust Big Tech and three-fourths say Facebook, in particular, makes American society worse, a new CNN poll finds.

The national survey of 1,004 adults (18 and over), conducted November 1-4, 2021 by SSRS,…

Alexander Hall | November 11, 2021

The Daily Wire editor-in-chief emeritus and conservative commentator Ben Shapiro warned the augmented/virtual reality metaverse project by Facebook, or “Meta" has dire implications for American life.

Along with Shapiro, The Joe Rogan…