
Julia A. Seymour | July 17, 2017

Al Gore, “movie star.”

That’s what CBS national correspondent Lee Cowan thinks. Acting like a fanboy instead of a professional journalist, Cowan told former Vice President Al Gore, “You’re a movie star, in…

Julia A. Seymour | July 14, 2017

It’s obvious the global warming rhetoric is too hot when even climate alarmists criticize it in the pages of a national newspaper.

New York magazine’s literary editor David Wallace-Wells published “The Uninhabitable…

Julia A. Seymour | July 12, 2017

Al Gore was just one of the climate alarmists to link a recent iceberg calving to “the climate crisis.” The Guardian blamed climate change even before the massive iceberg A-68 broke off from the Larsen C ice shelf.


Julia A. Seymour | June 22, 2017

Anderson Cooper wore his bias on his sleeve in a Tuesday night interview with former Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Cooper brought Bloomberg on his show June 20, to discuss his new coal documentary and failed to challenge him about the millions…

Julia A. Seymour | June 19, 2017

The U.S. Supreme Court just refused a lawyer’s appeal trying to force Chevron to pay almost $9 billion for pollution in Ecuador. Earlier courts ruled the decision against Chevron was obtained through corrupt actions.


Julia A. Seymour | June 5, 2017

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg reacted to a U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Deal by pledging $15 million to the…

Julia A. Seymour | June 1, 2017

Editor’s note: This story contains explicit language.

From drunken driving and Titanic sinking comparisons, to complaints about the impact on “racial justice,” liberals lost it when President Donald…

The media frenzy over expectations President Donald Trump will abandon the climate agreement signed in Paris by Obama has only just begun — and it’s already out of control.

Liberal media, climate alarmists, activists and…

Julia A. Seymour | May 19, 2017

If there were any doubts about how interconnected left-wing groups and donors are, Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope’s new book, Climate of Hope, puts them to rest.

Julia A. Seymour | May 10, 2017

Using a tired line he’s been recycling since at least 2003, former vice president Al Gore criticized the media’s coverage of climate change — for not blaming…

Julia A. Seymour | April 27, 2017

It was a “moment made for Bill Nye,” so The Washington Post said.

The Post was referring to the April 22, March for Science, but they could just…

Julia A. Seymour | April 25, 2017

In case there was any doubt which side The New York Times favors when it comes to climate change opinions, the paper devoted three entire pages to “the effects of President Trump’s environmental policy.”

Just a…

Julia A. Seymour | April 24, 2017

Left-wing filmmaker Josh Fox launched his latest film, Awake, a Dream from Standing Rock, online April 22 — after it premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival.

Julia A. Seymour | April 21, 2017

Pollution is all capitalism’s fault, according to the socialists at Liberation.

“Earth Day then vs. now: Capitalism is still killing us,”…

Julia A. Seymour | April 18, 2017

Climate Progress founding editor Joe Romm is furious with The New York Times for hiring a person he claims is an “extreme climate science denier.”

Sarah Stites | March 29, 2017

It’s the end of the world as we know it. Just when lefty celebrities thought the world couldn’t get any worse, President Donald Trump stabbed Mother Earth in the heart.

On March 28, Trump rolled back the…

Aly Nielsen | March 29, 2017

Liberal climate blogs have insulted climate change skeptics with a term reminiscent of Holocaust deniers almost every other day — just since Donald Trump’s election.

InsideClimate News, DeSmogBlog and Grist smeared people…

Julia A. Seymour | March 23, 2017

The Michigan tourism board must be gleeful since Popular Science made over-the-top climate predictions that could send people packing for the Wolverine state.

MLive reported the PopSci story and video on March 22, with the…

Julia A. Seymour | March 1, 2017

Just as they didn’t seem to mind Dakota Access Pipeline protesters’ arson, rioting and violence, the network news media failed to condemn the hypocrisy of self-…

Julia A. Seymour | February 22, 2017

Authorities ordered the temporary evacuation of almost 200,000 people living near the Oroville Dam in California after spillway damage and erosion caused fear of death and…