
Joseph Vazquez | February 8, 2022

The eco doom-mongering TIME magazine virtue-signaled that the U.S. needs to fight climate change if it's serious about fighting inflation. Really.

The rag published a bonkers Feb. 3 article headlined, “If the U.S. Wants to Fully Tackle…

Jeffrey Clark | February 3, 2022

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki blamed the COVID-19 omicron variant for job losses in advance of a potentially terrible jobs report scheduled to be released on Feb. 4 by the Department of Labor.

Psaki ran ahead of the jobs report…

Jeffrey Clark | February 2, 2022

The New York Times seems to have fessed up to the elephant in the room. As inflation rises, President Joe Biden’s economic policies are not working for workers.

Reporter Noam Scheiber at The New York Times wrote in a Feb. 1 article that…

Joseph Vazquez | February 2, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks committed one of the most egregious acts of news censorship by ignoring the U.S. debt topping $30 trillion for the first time ever.

The U.S. Treasury Department released data on Tuesday showing that…

Jeffrey Clark | January 31, 2022

The Washington Post championed a report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis showing a 5.7 percent increase in gross domestic product (GDP) last year as the “latest snapshot of a resilient recovery” in President Joe Biden’s economy. 

Jeffrey Clark | January 26, 2022

The Dow Jones industrial average took an icy plunge of more than 1,000 points on Monday — its worst start “ever” — but ABC, NBC, and CBS chose to whitewash the shocking news and gave the story just minutes of coverage. 


Jeffrey Clark | January 24, 2022

President Joe Biden announced a minimum wage hike to $15 per hour for federal workers, and naturally, The New York Times took the side of Big Government mandates.

This follows the bad economic news for Americans under the Biden regime:…

Joseph Vazquez | January 20, 2022

CNN tried to normalize the communist idea of the government controlling the prices of food and gas as a way to combat inflation. The idea was so bonkers, CNN even admitted that economists have largely panned the suggestion.


Jeffrey Clark | January 20, 2022

New Yorker Staff Writer David Owen took a nosedive into eco-extremism. He argued that the refrigerator has become — wait for it — “an agent of climate catastrophe.”

Owen pontificated in a blog headlined, “How the Refrigerator Became an…

Joseph Vazquez | January 19, 2022

A leftist group funded by billionaire George Soros secured a massive government contract to help illegal immigrants avoid being deported.

The Vera Institute of Justice (VIJ), which “views immigration enforcement agencies as a ‘threat’ to…

Joseph Vazquez | January 17, 2022

A top economist at the ADP Research Institute slapped down the asinine leftist narrative that the United States is experiencing explosive jobs growth. ADP Chief Economist Nela Richardson joined CNBC Squawk Box following the shocking news Jan.12…

Joseph Vazquez | January 12, 2022

NBC senior business correspondent Stephanie Ruhle is having a tough few days. She can no longer dismiss skyrocketing inflation as just a minor occurrence that Americans can afford.

“KABOOM!” That’s the word Ruhle used to describe…

Joseph Vazquez | January 7, 2022

CNN just can’t catch a break in its crusade to spin President Joe Biden’s atrocious economy in a way that benefits his image.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released an awful jobs report showing that the economy only added a “dismal” 199,…

Joseph Vazquez | January 7, 2022

The Washington Post is going to have to cope.

Its dismissal of Sen. Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) warnings about the Boston Bomber getting paid under President Joe Biden’s gargantuan stimulus bill has resurfaced to haunt the rag.


Joseph Vazquez | January 6, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks ignored a damning story connecting “Boston Bomber” Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to President Joe Biden’s disastrous stimulus bill.

Boston 25 News reported Jan. 5 that Tsarnaev “received a $1,400 COVID relief…

Joseph Vazquez | January 5, 2022

New York Times economist Paul Krugman is once again making a fool of himself by letting everyone know he believes that 2021 was actually a great year for the economy. Really.

His new op-ed, headlined, “Don’t Tell Anyone, but 2021 Was…

Joseph Vazquez | January 4, 2022

Inflation is skyrocketing, so let’s make matters worse! That seems to be the logic behind the “price controls” New York Magazine is promoting as a serious idea to fight off inflation. 

In a piece headlined, “Who’s Afraid of…

Joseph Vazquez | January 3, 2022

CNN just can’t seem to get its story straight. The network has toggled between defending President Joe Biden from criticism over rising gas prices to praising him for small price drops. Now, the network is warning about rising prices again and…

Joseph Vazquez | December 30, 2021

An elitist economist is insulting his readers by doubling down on the much-criticized notion that spiking inflation is only “transitory.” 

Princeton University professor Alan Blinder penned an absurd Wall Street Journal op-ed…

Joseph Vazquez | December 29, 2021

The Washington Post tried to whip out the generic “Republicans have pounced” cliché in order to spin some of the attention on skyrocketing prices away from President Joe Biden.

The liberal newspaper released a revealing story headlined, “…