Donald Trump

Joseph Vazquez | June 16, 2020

UPDATE: Domino's Pizza responded to Wilson's gaffe in a tweet that read: "Welp. It's unfortunate that thanking a customer for a compliment back in 2012 would be viewed as political. Guess that's 2020 for ya."

Joseph Vazquez | June 12, 2020

CNN’s Chris Cuomo doesn’t appear to have done his due diligence. He committed a very bad gaffe last night by using pre-Trump era economic data to bash President Donald Trump’s economy.

Cuomo attacked Trump’s Director of the…

Joseph Vazquez | June 11, 2020

The New York Times continues to embarrass itself. This time, the paper claimed advertisers were pulling their Facebook ad spending because CEO Mark Zuckerberg balked at censoring President Donald Trump. 

But that story…

Joseph Vazquez | June 10, 2020

Ten thousand examples of bias — all at once. ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows repeated the bias of the night before by ignoring a huge investment milestone.

The Nasdaq Composite stock index closed above 10,000 “for the first…

Joseph Vazquez | June 9, 2020

Need any more proof that the structure ABC News operates under is radically left-wing?

The Walt Disney Company is pledging $5 million in “support of nonprofit organizations that advance social justice, beginning with a $2 million…

Joseph Vazquez | June 8, 2020

Disgraced former FBI lawyer and newly-minted MSNBC Legal Analyst Lisa Page seems to have found a way to make herself appear more biased.

Federal Election Commission records show that Page had contributed at least $300 to the Never-Trump…

Joseph Vazquez | June 5, 2020

President Donald Trump’s economy proved it’s not going down without a fight. An excellent new jobs report has Keynesian New York Times economist Paul Krugman babbling about a Trump conspiracy on Twitter to make sense of it.


Joseph Vazquez | June 1, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros’s Democracy PAC has been actively involved in funneling millions into left-wing groups pushing twisted coronavirus anti-Trump ads on TV.

But just who is funding Democracy PAC?

As it turns…

NB Staff | May 29, 2020

President Donald Trump hit back at Big Tech bias by signing an “Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship” in the Oval Office on Thursday. And he relied on information from the Media Research Center’s TechWatch to do it.


Joseph Vazquez | May 29, 2020

It looks like the media’s efforts to denigrate President Donald Trump’s management of the economy are bouncing off his economic support numbers. Sorry, CNN.

Liberal outlet Reuters released a report headlined “…

Joseph Vazquez | May 28, 2020

LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman, who notoriously backed a group that “spread disinformation during the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate,” is now being joined by other Big Tech billionaires in a plot to boost presumptive…

NB Staff | May 28, 2020

President Donald Trump is right that social media companies have been targeting conservatives. Twitter, in particular, has been engaging in a relentless attack on the American political process by censoring conservatives.

Now that has…

Alexander Hall | May 28, 2020

Twitter’s choice to fact-check the president’s genuine concern over the hazards of mail-in voting appear to have been the last straw.

“President Donald Trump is expected to issue an executive order today that seeks to…

Joseph Vazquez | May 27, 2020

What is it with liberal outlets and their apparent virtue-signaling obsession with eliminating meat from our diets?

The New York Times published a wacky op-ed headlined “The End of Meat Is Here.” In the sub-headline, author…

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2020

A liberal dark money operation pushing “fake news” to hurt President Donald Trump in the 2020 election is pulling out all the stops.

OpenSecrets revealed that “political operations are pouring millions of ‘dark money’ dollars into ads and…

Joseph Vazquez | May 21, 2020

New York Times economist Paul Krugman continues to unleash liberal bile just to take disgusting shots at President Donald Trump, Republicans, and ordinary Americans for wanting to reopen the economy.

Krugman penned an absurd May…

Heather Moon | May 20, 2020

President Donald Trump retweeted a video on Saturday that was quickly deleted.

The video was a short clip from a speech that conservative Michelle Malkin gave decrying social media censorship of conservative voices.


Joseph Vazquez | May 19, 2020

You’d think that Bloomberg News would want to lay low after a recent report showing it censored a story about Chinese elites and fired the reporter behind it.

The news outlet is still shilling for Beijing and its tyrant…

Joseph Vazquez | May 18, 2020

Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg has gone from “scrapping” his plan for an independent expenditure campaign to reportedly planning to spend a heap of cash to support presumptive Democratic nominee for president Joe…

Joseph Vazquez | May 18, 2020

Ads from Soros-funded Priorities USA Action exploiting the coronavirus to spit venom at President Donald Trump continue to dominate the TV airwaves.

Advertising Analytics latest “The Week in Review” report stated that…