Corporate Liberalism

Joseph Vazquez | June 15, 2020

In a country where corporate liberal pandering to violent mobs is the new trend in business, one CEO decided to stand on principle and go against the tide.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has refused to join companies like T-Mobile in…

Joseph Vazquez | June 12, 2020

Dare to criticize the leftist Black Lives Matter movement and advertisers will treat you like a pariah.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson drew the foam-at-the-mouth response from the liberal media and from advertisers for not adopting…

Joseph Vazquez | June 10, 2020

The corporate apparatus that oversees NBC News has again revealed itself to be a massive SJW media behemoth. And it is devoting $100 million to prove it. 

Comcast Corporation Chairman and CEO Brian Roberts issued a statement…

Joseph Vazquez | May 28, 2020

LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman, who notoriously backed a group that “spread disinformation during the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate,” is now being joined by other Big Tech billionaires in a plot to boost presumptive…

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2020

A liberal dark money operation pushing “fake news” to hurt President Donald Trump in the 2020 election is pulling out all the stops.

OpenSecrets revealed that “political operations are pouring millions of ‘dark money’ dollars into ads and…

Joseph Vazquez | May 14, 2020

A big irony is in development. The liberal billionaire owner of The Washington Post, which had decried that President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax law was showering “billions of dollars worth of tax relief on upper-income people and…

Joseph Vazquez | May 4, 2020

One of the premier national unions for liberal outlets such as NBC News Digital, The Washington Post and The New York Times actually voted to request the government finance the news industry with taxpayer dollars.

Surprisingly, it was The…

Joseph Vazquez | April 23, 2020

The coronavirus dominates the news on every network. NBC Nightly News had covered the virus that started in China since January 17, the “first day the networks arrived at the coronavirus story.”

None of the on-air…

Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2020

Bloomberg News shut down an investigation into Chinese Communist Party elites, fired the reporter on the beat and then targeted that reporter’s wife to keep her mouth shut, according to a new NPR report.

The Bloomberg reporters…

Joseph Vazquez | March 19, 2020

It’s absurd for a media company that traffics in liberal bias like The Atlantic to continue to bill itself as being an “[i]ndependent” news source — especially when both of its parent companies’ chief executives are liberal donors.

Joseph Vazquez | February 12, 2020

The liberal director of The Washington Post-touting film The Post (2017) Steven Spielberg has not kept silent about his disdain for President Donald Trump, and neither has his wallet.

Liberal filmmaker Steven Spielberg and his wife Kate…

Joseph Vazquez | January 6, 2020

NBC News continues to bury its credibility by promoting MSNBC liberal anchor Stephanie Ruhle to be their new senior business correspondent.

Page Six reported NBC News’ decision to elevate Ruhle Jan. 2, stating that the notoriously anti-…

Joseph Vazquez | December 23, 2019

The liberal media seem to only care about propping up billionaires when the views of the rich align with their own. The New York Times did an entire puff piece elevating the candidacy of liberal billionaire 2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg, with…

Joseph Vazquez | December 16, 2019

In the latest example of corporate media leftism, the parent company of NBC News — NBCUniversal (“NBCU”) — is set to place NBCU executive Jeff Shell as CEO of the entire company. Shell has given at least $30,600…

Joseph Valle | August 8, 2019

Following the horrific mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, CNBC asked Visa CEO Alfred Kelly about the role of corporations in gun control.

Kelly condemned the shootings and called for legislative action on gun control…

Joseph Valle | July 3, 2019

The left have cheered Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) rise in the polls after the Democrat debates. Now they have pronounced her Wall Street’s choice for the 2020 presidential election.

Bloomberg reporters Lananh Nguyen and Tyler Pager on…

Joseph Valle | June 10, 2019

Hollywood celebrities aren’t the only people upset about recent state efforts to limit abortion. A number of business executives are too. boosted their complaints and claims that restricting abortion was “bad for business…

Joseph Valle | June 4, 2019

Business leaders wanting praise from the liberal media only need to embrace some left-wing cause. Promoting a conservative agenda earns scorn.

The Washington Post published a massive profile on Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack and…

Corinne Weaver | January 25, 2019

When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about content now, he talks a lot about restricting speech.

Zuckerberg wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal to explain the platform’s nebulous position on free speech. While he admitted…

Gabriel Hays | August 29, 2018

MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor recently appeared on the Fox Business Network’s After the Bell to discuss President Donald Trump’s concerns about conservative censorship online and to call for "fairness…