Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2020

It didn’t take long for billionaire and failed presidential candidate Tom Steyer to resume peddling his climate change nonsense. This comes after he spent over $341 million financing his own campaign.

His new schtick? Selling the…

Joseph Vazquez | August 11, 2020

CNN’s newsroom tried to downplay the impressive Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) July jobs report, and National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow wasn’t having any of it.

During Friday’s edition of CNN Newsroom, co-anchor Poppy…

Joseph Vazquez | August 10, 2020

Good economic news is never bad enough for the liberal media.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released an impressive report on job growth in July. Specifically, “Total non-farm payroll employment rose by 1.8 million in July,…

Kayla Sargent | August 6, 2020

Even the left is beginning to understand the danger of the Chinese-owned app Tik Tok after months of concern. 

Bloomberg news reported on July 27 that the Biden campaign sent a memo to staffers, telling them to delete the app from…

Joseph Vazquez | August 4, 2020

When U.S. GDP dropped 9.5 percent, multiple media outlets and journalists fired off on Twitter and their headlines that second quarter GDP actually fell 32.9 percent, which was false. The 32.9 percent figure is the annualized rate of decline in…

Alexander Hall | August 3, 2020

Liberal journalists are once again panicking over a video that made House Speaker Nancy Pelosi look foolish.

“Facebook's fact-checkers on Sunday labeled it as ‘partly false’ a video that it said was manipulated to make it appear as if…

Joseph Vazquez | July 30, 2020

It turns out the news media can’t even report bad news without making it worse. Multiple outlets pushed a false statistic that U.S. GDP fell 32.9 percent in the second quarter.

Fact: It fell 9.5 percent. Not 32.9 percent. The 32.9…

Joseph Vazquez | July 16, 2020

Media outlets like CNN and The Daily Beast have decided it’s wrong for a Hispanic business owner to support President Donald Trump.

Both CNN and a Daily Beast op-ed attacked Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue for voicing his…

Joseph Vazquez | June 12, 2020

Dare to criticize the leftist Black Lives Matter movement and advertisers will treat you like a pariah.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson drew the foam-at-the-mouth response from the liberal media and from advertisers for not adopting…

Joseph Vazquez | June 12, 2020

CNN’s Chris Cuomo doesn’t appear to have done his due diligence. He committed a very bad gaffe last night by using pre-Trump era economic data to bash President Donald Trump’s economy.

Cuomo attacked Trump’s Director of the…

Joseph Vazquez | May 29, 2020

It looks like the media’s efforts to denigrate President Donald Trump’s management of the economy are bouncing off his economic support numbers. Sorry, CNN.

Liberal outlet Reuters released a report headlined “…

Joseph Vazquez | May 15, 2020

Sky News Australia definitely didn’t pull any punches in its criticisms of CNN’s nutty idea to put Greta Thunberg alongside health experts on a "coronavirus town hall" last night.

Sky News Australia’s The…

Joseph Vazquez | May 13, 2020

In a world ransacked by the coronavirus pandemic, CNN seems to think its viewers want to hear radical lefty teen climate activist Greta Thunberg’s opinion on the matter.

CNN sent out a tweet May 13 announcing the news: “Former…

Joseph Vazquez | May 7, 2020

UPDATE: Ana Navarro responded to this story on Twitter, deflecting once again from the conflict of interest problem and instead spewed a "false accusation" against the president. Navarro said:…

Joseph Vazquez | April 27, 2020

The liberal media have gone to bat for fellow liberal and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates against “conspiracy” theories regarding the coronavirus that started in Wuhan, China.

But recent comments from Gates on…

Alexander Hall | April 27, 2020

Big Tech platforms have taken it upon themselves to police misinformation, but why are they glorifying the mistakes at the World Health Organization?

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki made a special appearance on Brian Stelter’s Reliable…

Joseph Vazquez | April 27, 2020

Leave it to a CNN correspondent to exploit his own son’s birth to push his eco-freakish politics in a cringe letter published on CNN’s website.

CNN Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir’s piece, headlined…

Joseph Vazquez | April 21, 2020

Leave it to CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta to look for any opportunity, even a coronavirus-induced oil crash, to get in an amateurish zinger at the president.

When the price of oil crashed below $0 to mark the lowest level…

Joseph Vazquez | April 16, 2020

It appears some of the most liberal billionaires in the United States are joining forces with California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) to give pandemic relief funding to illegal immigrants.

CNN seemed pleased to mention a list of groups…

Joseph Vazquez | April 6, 2020

In his iconic style, President Donald Trump took to Twitter Monday to rip into the liberal New York Times and The Washington Post.

The president tweeted that “Advertising in the Failing New York Times is WAY down. Washington…