
Kayla Sargent | November 2, 2020

The rules keep changing. Just one day before the presidential election, Twitter has graciously decided to reveal its guidelines for how and when a candidate can declare victory on the platform. 

Only a select group of news agencies…

Joseph Vazquez | November 2, 2020

The CEO of growing social media platform Parler warned Americans on CNBC about Big Tech’s Orwellian censorship against President Donald Trump that will continue right into election night. 

During Monday's edition of…

Kayla Sargent | November 2, 2020

Americans across the nation are waiting with bated breath for the results of the presidential election, but one group may take matters into its own hands if Trump isn’t defeated — and Big Tech hasn’t done anything about it. 

Alexa Moutevelis | October 30, 2020

For over two weeks, Twitter locked down the New York Post's official account because of the newspaper’s reporting on the alleged corrupt dealings of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. But on Friday afternoon the…

Kayla Sargent | October 30, 2020

Election Day is almost here, and Facebook is still convinced that it must make every effort to combat misinformation on its platform. 

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg reportedly called the election a “test” of everything the company has…

Kayla Sargent | October 30, 2020

Halloween, fittingly, is tomorrow, and what could be scarier than the continued censorship of the free press? 

For the seventeenth day in a row, the New York Post’s Twitter account still appears to be locked, even with the…

Kayla Sargent | October 29, 2020

As if we needed any more proof of Google’s leftist leanings, it has now been revealed that a Google staffer is the anonymous author of an anti-Trump New York Times opinion piece and book, A Warning. 

Miles Taylor, a former Department…

Kayla Sargent | October 29, 2020

Twitter, apparently, is continuing to censor the free press in America. 

For the sixteenth day in a row, the New York Post’s (the Post) Twitter account still appears to be locked. 

The Post responded to the ongoing…

Kayla Sargent | October 28, 2020

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey of making a "false" statement "under oath" at a hearing on Big Tech censorship. The senator complained that Dorsey said the bombshell “@nypost story alleging Biden’s CCP corruption” could be…

Alec Schemmel | October 28, 2020

CEOs from Twitter and Facebook struggled to provide one example of a liberal being censored on their respective platforms during a Senate hearing about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. 

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Google…

Alexander Hall | October 28, 2020

In a hearing about Big Tech censorship, one Democrat called for more censorship against opinions and information he dislikes.

Democrat Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) condemned Trump’s “propaganda parrots” on Fox News and his fellow…

Alexander Hall | October 28, 2020

The Chairman of a massive Big Tech hearing slammed the CEO of Twitter for enabling dictators’ calls for violence and Chinese COVID-19 propaganda while censoring President Donald Trump.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Google CEO Sundar Pichai,…

Kayla Sargent | October 27, 2020

Three Big Tech CEOs are headed to the Senate to testify tomorrow October 28 in the midst of the worst example of online censorship this election. Republican senators are ready for a fight. 

The hearing has gained attention following…

Kayla Sargent | October 23, 2020

Facebook has now added a new level to its censorship process.

On October 22, Facebook announced that its Oversight Board (the Board) will now be taking cases for review, less than two weeks before the presidential election.…

Kayla Sargent | October 22, 2020

Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination passed the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing today, which will soon go to the Senate floor for a vote. But that was not the only item on the agenda.

The Senate Judiciary Committee (the Committee…

Kayla Sargent | October 22, 2020

Google has already released its statement about the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) antitrust lawsuit, but now, a former CEO of the company has decided to speak out as well.

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt spoke at The Wall Street Journal’s…

Kayla Sargent | October 21, 2020

After a policy change and a week’s worth of criticism, you would have thought Twitter would have learned its lesson. But today, the official account for the House Judiciary GOP said Twitter has slapped a warning label on another article about…

Alec Schemmel | October 21, 2020

Twitter reversed its decision to censor the New York Post’s Hunter Biden story. But the war isn’t over yet. 

The Post’s Twitter account has remained locked for a full seven days, according to New York Post Deputy Politics Editor Emma…

Kayla Sargent | October 21, 2020

The Department of Justice (DOJ) filed its antitrust lawsuit against Google yesterday, and Google released its response. Spoiler: the company is not happy. 

Google released a statement October 20 expressing outrage at the lawsuit,…

Kayla Sargent | October 20, 2020

Facebook may have hit a new low today in its seemingly eternal quest to rid the world of, well, anything the platform deems problematic. 

Seth Dillon, CEO of The Babylon Bee (The Bee) said that Facebook demonetized the Babylon Bee…