Censorship Project

Alexander Hall, Heather Moon | June 19, 2020

YouTube censored a formerly transgender person who revealed the hazards of sex change operations and how they should not be pushed on children. 

YouTube removed a video from The Heritage Foundation’s YouTube channel, citing its “hate…

Alexander Hall | June 19, 2020

Big Tech and the news media have once again revealed that liberals can’t take a joke. A video tweeted by Donald Trump parodying CNN coverage has been labelled by Twitter as manipulated media. 

President Donald Trump tweeted a Carpe…

Alexander Hall | June 18, 2020

Facebook declared Thursday that it would censor ads run by President Donald Trump's re-election campaign for breaching its policies on “organized hate.” 

The ads, which condemned Antifa rioters as "Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups…

Alexander Hall | June 18, 2020

Twitter censorship may have met its match — Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR).

Cotton wrote the now-infamous New York Times opinion piece headlined, “Tom Cotton: Send In the Troops,” calling to restore order amidst the George Floyd riots on June 3.…

Corinne Weaver | June 18, 2020

Facebook claims that it aims “to prevent potential offline harm that may be related to content on Facebook.” But it seems that it only takes aim at some, not all, of the offline harm on its site. 

The social media platform announced…

Alexander Hall | June 17, 2020

Donald Trump, Jr. declared war on the world’s biggest search engine after it reportedly demonetized Zerohedge and The Federalist.

“The GOP Senate needs to wake up & IMMEDIATELY subpoena & haul in the CEO of @Google for questioning…

Alexander Hall | June 17, 2020

Power players on the Hill and at the Department of Justice are mobilizing and rolling out unprecedented legislation and regulations to hold Big Tech accountable for its censorship of conservatives. 

The Justice Department is set to…

Corinne Weaver | June 17, 2020

Facebook launched a new program to incentivize its users in America to vote in the 2020 election. It announced that the platform plans to help 4 million people go out and vote. 

The move comes amidst massive internal and external…

Alexander Hall | June 16, 2020

A new report indicates that a vast majority of Americans distrust Big Tech, after years of infamous bias scandals.

The liberal John S. and James L. Knight Foundation released a report “Free Expression, Harmful Speech and Censorship in a…

Alexander Hall | June 16, 2020

Big Tech companies, once seen as creating world-changing platforms that gave voice to the voiceless are actually beholden to government censorship — especially in China.

The video-conference company Zoom reportedly “announced Thursday…

Alexander Hall | June 15, 2020

Not one to leave all the activism to rioters vandalizing statues, Big Tech appears to be joining the removal of western icons.

“Images of Winston Churchill failed to appear Sunday during Google searches for the former British prime…

Alexander Hall | June 15, 2020

Twitter admits it wrongfully banned the site ZeroHedge, but its history of selective enforcement is still infamous. 

The COVID-19 virus’s origins, lethality, and cures have been hotly debated throughout 2020, to the point where…

Corinne Weaver | June 15, 2020

YouTube users are reporting that any comments they make about violence at Black Lives Matter protests seem to disappear just seconds after they are posted. 

According to Reclaim the Net, a free speech tech website, using the phrase “…

Alexander Hall | June 12, 2020

Snap leadership’s decision to stop President Donald Trump from being able to promote himself on the Snapchat platform may be just the ripe first target for Sen. Josh Hawley’s proposed legislation.

“We’re well within our First Amendment…

Alexander Hall | June 12, 2020

Now that Microsoft has joined other Big Tech companies in refusing to help police, President Donald Trump has retweeted a call to have them barred from government contracts. 

Microsoft followed the lead of IBM and Amazon in vowing to…

Alexander Hall | June 11, 2020

Facebook stood up for free speech against former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign’s petition calling for censorship.

The Biden campaign posted an open letter to Facebook demanding the platform change its policies on free speech. The…

Alexander Hall | June 11, 2020

Three Big Tech companies are the latest to join the fight against police by withholding their facial recognition technologies.

IBM, Amazon and Microsoft have vowed to stop helping police with facial recognition. The rationale is that, “…

Corinne Weaver | June 11, 2020

The movement that spurns capitalism seems to embrace it if it serves its own purposes. 

Amazon, Etsy, and Google all have sellers who are taking advantage of the current political situation on their platforms. Some of this…

Corinne Weaver | June 11, 2020

Facebook’s third party fact-checkers, selected by the liberal Poynter Institute, have officially labeled World Health Organization’s (WHO) statement about asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 as “misleading.” Ironically, in April, Facebook used…

Alexander Hall | June 10, 2020

Senators sent an open letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai demanding action on President Donald Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship.

The open letter summarized how Section 230 works, arguing that it, “shields social media…