Censorship Project

Alexander Hall | January 13, 2021

SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk scorched Big Tech companies for being the collective “arbiter” of free speech in modern America.

Musk commented on a satirical article regarding the mass-censorship of President Donald Trump after the U.S.…

Kayla Sargent | January 13, 2021

Twitter clearly has no problem censoring President Donald Trump. It’s what the social media company has chosen not to censor that has the New York Post crying foul. 

The New York Post pointed out Twitter’s blatant hypocrisy in a…

Heather Moon | January 12, 2021

Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg is “glad” that the platform decided to ban President Donald Trump’s account indefinitely. 

Sandberg, who has donated abundantly to Planned Parenthood and a myriad of liberal members…

Kayla Sargent | January 12, 2021

The left is trying hard to shut down free speech-oriented social media platforms like Parler and Rumble. Now, these companies are fighting back. 

Parler and Rumble have filed suit against Amazon and Google respectively, in an…

Alexander Hall | January 12, 2021

President Donald Trump slammed Big Tech for waging a scorched earth campaign across multiple platforms against conservative speech.

“I think that Big Tech is doing a horrible thing for our county and to our country, and I believe it’s…

Kayla Sargent | January 12, 2021

Big Tech still isn’t done cracking down on conservatives. 

Facebook, Instagram and even Peloton, have decided to remove “Stop the Steal” content from their platforms. 

“We are now removing content containing the phrase ‘…

Alexander Hall | January 12, 2021

Twitter unveiled an updated Civic Integrity Policy in January, clarifying the platform’s ironfisted policy against questioning elections. 

Twitter has been one of Big Tech’s most infamous innovators when it comes to censoring genuine…

Corinne Weaver | January 12, 2021

Facebook purged the WalkAway Campaign, a conservative movement, in the overall censorship fiasco that started with the complete shutdown of President Donald Trump from all tech platforms, according to the campaign’s founder.


Alexander Hall | January 11, 2021

Update: A Facebook spokesperson has claimed in response to an inquiry that "While there were never any restrictions on Ron Paul's page, we restricted one admin's ability to post by mistake. We have corrected the error." Ron Paul has said that…

Craig Bannister | January 11, 2021

“The odds are 100%. We are coming back. Anybody who thought we were going to take this lying down, you picked the wrong guy,” Bongino said regarding Amazon pulling its servers supporting social media platform Parler, in which the conservative…

NB Staff | January 11, 2021

Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and more than 30 conservative leaders issued the following statement Monday calling for the breakup of Big Tech companies including Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple after their sweeping acts of…

Kayla Sargent | January 11, 2021

Despite the fact that Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit, TikTok and even Shopify have all censored President Donald Trump, that still isn’t enough for some in the media. 

At least one media member in particular, CNN reporter Donie…

Craig Bannister | January 11, 2021

“Stalin censored speech. So did Mao. So did Hitler. It’s what tyrants do,” Media Research Pres. Brent Bozell says, reacting to recent censorship tactics employed by social media giants like Amazon and Twitter.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and…

Alexander Hall | January 11, 2021

Free speech platform Gab said it archived a hoard of “disgusting” tweets replying to President Donald Trump’s account before it was banned.

“For months we have been backing up every reply to Donald Trump’s tweets. We call this project the…

Alexander Hall | January 9, 2021

The tech tyrants came after Parler with a vengeance. Apple and Google have refused to carry the platform as a downloadable app, and Amazon has gone one step further by denying the fledgling platform access to its servers. 

“Amazon on…

Alexander Hall | January 9, 2021

President Donald Trump has reportedly been banned from using at least one email service, severing his ability to communicate with his supporters.

“At least one of the services the team used, @CampaignMonitor, has suspended Trump's access…

Alexander Hall | January 9, 2021

Liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald scorched the left-wing establishment and Big Tech for taking totalitarian measures against conservatives. 

Greenwald condemned Big Tech after multiple platforms purged sitting President Donald Trump…

Alexander Hall | January 9, 2021

Conservative stars Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Lou Dobbs left Twitter in disgust after it purged sitting President Donald Trump.

“Radio host Rush Limbaugh's Twitter account has been deactivated,” USA Today wrote,  then adding “…

Alexander Hall | January 9, 2021

The “Amazon Employees For Climate Justice” group published a shrill demand that the company’s leadership do whatever it can to get Parler wiped off the internet. 

Amazon is owned by the world’s second-richest man Jeff Bezos, who also…

Alexander Hall | January 8, 2021

Big Tech’s crusade against conservatives continued furiously Friday night. Google removed the Parler app from its store and Apple threatened to do the same.

Free market advocates repeatedly told conservatives the solution to Big Tech…