Censorship Project

Alexander Hall | February 18, 2021

Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates suggested to CNBC that former President Trump should be allowed to speak on social media. 

“I think at some point he probably will be allowed back on and probably should…

Kayla Sargent | February 18, 2021

A proposed law from the Land Down Under did not go over well with Facebook.

Facebook has decided to block all news in and from Australian users in response to a proposed law that would require the platform to pay news publishers for…

Alexander Hall | February 17, 2021

Project Veritas showed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg worried about the “long-term side effects” of COVID-19 vaccinations. Those same comments wouldn’t be allowed on his own platform.

It’s even unclear whether Facebook will censor this…

Alexander Hall | February 17, 2021

In a landmark compromise, Australia’s government has made Google, the world’s most powerful search engine, come to the table to make a deal.

“Google has been in a highly publicized spat with the Australian government in recent months…

Kayla Sargent | February 17, 2021

YouTube has reportedly censored another medical doctor for the cardinal sin of discussing COVID-19.

Dr. Drew Pinsky, known primarily as Dr. Drew, said that he was censored on YouTube, which has made him just the latest victim in YouTube’s…

Alexander Hall | February 16, 2021

A California appeals court ruled that Twitter had a right to ban feminist Meghan Murphy for saying a scientific fact about the differences between men and women.

The California legal system was more than happy to help corporations when it…

Kayla Sargent | February 16, 2021

Twitter, saving the world from Valentine’s Day memes since 2021, apparently. 

Twitter slapped a warning label on a Valentine’s Day meme from Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita (R) due to a “risk of violence.” 

The meme…

Corinne Weaver, Alec Schemmel | February 16, 2021

Amazon deplatformed the social media site Parler for violent content, but it has no problem providing violent, terrorist or Nazi content to its customers.

A flag from the terrorist group Hamas, a beanie that has the word “lynching”…

Craig Bannister | February 16, 2021

Only one in nine U.S. likely voters are very confident that social media censor questionable content in a fair and unbiased way, while nearly half have no trust at all that it will do so, a new Rasmussen survey finds.

The national survey…

Alexander Hall | February 15, 2021

The wildly popular free speech platform Parler has made a sudden return after being nuked from the internet by Amazon Web Services back in January.

“Parler, the world’s #1 free speech social media platform with over 20 million users, is…

Alexander Hall | February 15, 2021

The free speech intellectual commentator who coined the term “Intellectual Dark Web” scorched Twitter for “artificially controlling” the national dialogue online. 

Managing Director of Thiel Capital and host of "The Portal" podcast…

Kayla Sargent | February 15, 2021

While Congress and the Senate were wrapped up in impeaching and acquitting former President Donald Trump mostly along partisan lines (again), one state decided to take the issue of Big Tech dominance into its own hands. 

A new North…

Kayla Sargent | February 12, 2021

UPDATE: When reached for comment, Christian, conservative actor Kevin Sorbo responded:

"Political correctness is word fascism. And Big Tech censorship is digital assassination. I was quieted on Twitter and eliminated on Facebook. Because…

Kayla Sargent | February 12, 2021

Twitter has once again demonstrated that its policies are perhaps more flexible in some cases: namely, if you’re not a conservative. 

Twitter banned Project Veritas and temporarily locked its founder James O'Keefe’s account for…

Alexander Hall | February 11, 2021

Twitter has shown its hand again. The leftist platform has reportedly banned guerilla journalism outlet Project Veritas permanently for exposing the comments and personal information of an executive from Facebook.

“Twitter confirms to me…

Alexander Hall | February 11, 2021

Liberal tech journalism outlet Axios published a newsletter after consulting with experts on “How to deprogram America's extremists.” 

Publishing a piece calling to “deprogram” millions of Americans is a terrible way to cool down the…

Kayla Sargent | February 11, 2021

Big Tech companies have doubled down in their efforts to suppress content they have deemed “misinformation” about COVID-19 and vaccinations. 

Facebook and YouTube have reportedly removed a video questioning the COVID-19 vaccine.…

Alexander Hall | February 10, 2021

Twitter has made it loud and clear via its company CFO: the platform will never allow former President Donald Trump back in the platform. 

Twitter chief financial officer (CFO) Ned Segal told CNBC's Squawk Box on Wednesday that…

Kayla Sargent | February 10, 2021

The YouTube censorship Gestapo has struck again. 

YouTube has reportedly entirely banned the pro-life group LifeSiteNews from the platform in its latest attempt to silence conservative voices. 

“YouTube just completely…

Kayla Sargent | February 9, 2021

Twitter’s obvious bias against conservatives becomes more ridiculous by the minute. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) lied and falsely accused Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) of “trying to get [her] killed”, and has now refused to…