
Joseph Vazquez | July 16, 2020

Media outlets like CNN and The Daily Beast have decided it’s wrong for a Hispanic business owner to support President Donald Trump.

Both CNN and a Daily Beast op-ed attacked Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue for voicing his…

Joseph Vazquez | July 14, 2020

It’s official: 2020 corporate America has gone bonkers. Burger King’s latest Twitter antics promoting climate change through a children’s video is just the latest example.

Popular fast-food chain Burger King posted a rank climate…

Joseph Vazquez | July 14, 2020

All three broadcast network evening news shows have been derelict when it comes to reporting good economic news during the Trump era. That continued with good news about sale of new houses.

Sales of newly built homes jumped…

Joseph Vazquez | July 13, 2020

Elites are literally begging world governments to raise taxes on the wealthy in a pathetic attempt to appear generous.

In a letter headlined, “Millionaires for Humanity,” liberal progressive signatories like Disney heiress and Emmy-…

Joseph Vazquez | July 10, 2020

Good news. Bad news. It’s obvious which Bloomberg News prefers. 

Bloomberg News published a relatively positive economic report with the headline, “U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Fall, Ease Worry of Worsening Market.” Then, by…

Joseph Vazquez | July 8, 2020

President Donald Trump’s National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow remains very optimistic about the prospects of a V-shaped recovery in the economy. And he says the data back him up.

Kudlow was interviewed by CNBC’s Joe Kernen…

Joseph Vazquez | July 7, 2020

So much for high rises being a great achievement. The Guardian’s latest insane, sexualized story condemning “phallic towers” in cities for their “masculine power” is woke-think on steroids.

The Guardian made readers know that “Toxic…

Joseph Vazquez | July 6, 2020

The New York Times hates American capitalism, and nothing makes that clearer than its Sunday print newspaper.

The Times published a (count-it) 16-page leftist screed against American capitalism in its “Sunday Review” item headlined: “The…

Joseph Vazquez | July 6, 2020

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, who notoriously backed a group that “spread disinformation during the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate,” now is pushing to directly boycott President Donald Trump.

This pivoted …

Joseph Vazquez | July 2, 2020

There’s no other way to say it: ABC’s Good Morning America censoring today’s jobs report is a disgrace to journalism.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released a jaw-dropping report Thursday, which revealed that “Total…

Joseph Vazquez | July 1, 2020

ABC’s, CBS’s and NBC’s evening news shows continue to ignore great market news when it steams past their coronavirus panic and has even the slightest chance of making President Donald Trump’s economy look robust.

U.S. stocks “…

Joseph Vazquez | June 29, 2020

As corporate America continues to pander to violent left-wing mobs, Fox Business’s Charles Payne expressed major concern about what this trend could mean for conservatives in the workplace.

The Making Money with Charles Payne…

Joseph Vazquez | June 24, 2020

If you think New York Times economist Paul Krugman’s op-eds are bad, his Twitter account is even worse. It’s a collection of babble, not the commentary of a Nobel laureate.

Krugman is no stranger to saying indefensible or…

Joseph Vazquez | June 22, 2020

Left-wing super PAC Priorities USA Action continued to bombard the TV airwaves with misleading ads in an attempt to destroy President Donald Trump.

Priorities USA Action’s latest incendiary anti-Trump ad, spot titled “Lack Of Leadership…

Joseph Vazquez | June 19, 2020

The media continue to take the knee to Black Lives Matter. USA Today pushed a leftist event calling for people to boycott companies that don’t support the movement.

The story, headlined “‘Boycott for Black Lives': People plan to…

Joseph Vazquez | June 18, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros is pouring it on in a multimillion-dollar effort to help Democrats turn out their voters in the 2020 election.

The Associated Press reported that “A network of deep-pocketed progressive donors is launching…

Joseph Vazquez | June 17, 2020

Maybe someone should tell ABC World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News that hiding good news to hurt President Donald Trump just solidifies them as liberal propaganda mills.

U.S. retail sales soared a whopping 17.7 percent in May…

Joseph Vazquez | June 16, 2020

UPDATE: Domino's Pizza responded to Wilson's gaffe in a tweet that read: "Welp. It's unfortunate that thanking a customer for a compliment back in 2012 would be viewed as political. Guess that's 2020 for ya."

Joseph Vazquez | June 15, 2020

Leftist publication The Nation doesn’t shy away from advocating for a violent idea that sounds like it would come straight from the revolutionary insanity of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

The Nation teased its radical piece…

Joseph Vazquez | June 15, 2020

In a country where corporate liberal pandering to violent mobs is the new trend in business, one CEO decided to stand on principle and go against the tide.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has refused to join companies like T-Mobile in…