Bias by Omission

Joseph Vazquez | May 1, 2020

When CNBC reports the markets are showing signs of fighting back against the coronavirus fallout, you’d think that’d be newsworthy for sister network NBC’s evening news broadcast. Apparently not.

CNBC had reported…

Joseph Vazquez | April 23, 2020

The coronavirus dominates the news on every network. NBC Nightly News had covered the virus that started in China since January 17, the “first day the networks arrived at the coronavirus story.”

None of the on-air…

Joseph Vazquez | April 22, 2020

When the price of U.S. oil crashed below $0 on Monday, lefty Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) sent out a disgusting tweet praising the coronavirus-induced crash.

She later deleted the tweet, and the cat caught all three major…

Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2020

Bloomberg News shut down an investigation into Chinese Communist Party elites, fired the reporter on the beat and then targeted that reporter’s wife to keep her mouth shut, according to a new NPR report.

The Bloomberg reporters…

Joseph Vazquez | February 20, 2020

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe distorted an Axios report on President Donald Trump’s economy to credit former president Barack Obama.

The show ran a segment defending Obama’s tweet congratulating himself for…

Joseph Vazquez | January 23, 2020

The Washington Post’s “conservative blogger” Jennifer Rubin is at it again. This time she’s saying that liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg could help Democrats by using his vast wealth to support impeaching President…

Joseph Vazquez | January 21, 2020

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said Jan. 16 that President Donald Trump broke the law when he withheld aid from Ukraine. The union for that “independent, nonpartisan” agency naturally supports Democrats. Just don’t…

Joseph Vazquez | January 13, 2020

A new Media Research Center analysis found that the three major network evening newscasts only gave President Donald Trump’s booming economy and U.S. trade nine minutes of coverage since the House Democrats’ impeachment push began on…

Joseph Vazquez | December 20, 2019

The Washington Post’s owner reportedly urged fellow billionaire Michael Bloomberg to run for president. Just don’t expect to see that admitted often by The Post.

A LexisNexis search revealed that The Post ran at least 122…

Joseph Vazquez | November 27, 2019

Is a new story from liberal outlet The Washington Post another instance of the pot calling the kettle black?

Liberal Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan decried liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s 2020 candidacy in…

Julia A. Seymour | March 7, 2019

The World Wildlife Fund for Nature often appears in the news. Its experts and studies pushing environmental topics get reported. In fact, its Mexico branch was mentioned in an Associated Press story about butterflies March 6, just days after the…

Aly Nielsen | July 5, 2017

The broadcast networks have refused to cover the conclusion of a massive defamation case involving one of their own.

ABC News and Beef Products Inc (BPI) reached a confidential settlement which concluded a 5-year-old lawsuit as of June 27…

Sam Dorman | January 23, 2017

Business people or companies who chose to endorse, donate or praise Donald Trump have been under attack from the left in recent months. Yet, the network news have failed to inform their viewers about it.

The left took aim at L.L.Bean,…

Sam Dorman | January 12, 2017

Network broadcasts slammed Trump’s plan to prevent his businesses from being conflicts of interest during his presidency, and provided scant balance to defend him.

During his first press conference on Jan. 11, President-elect…

Sam Dorman | January 11, 2017

Broadcast networks barely covered the skyrocketing national debt in the past year, but spent far more time on toy animals called Hatchimals. ABC and NBC gave the toy sensation three times more coverage than the debt.

As of Jan. 9, the…

Julia A. Seymour | January 11, 2017

Policing the unruly anti-pipeline protests in North Dakota since August came with an exorbitant price tag for North Dakota taxpayers.

The Morton County Sheriff’s Department released new figures on Jan. 9, showing the state and local…

Sam Dorman | January 5, 2017

Climate scientist Dr. Judith Curry has had enough of academics politicizing her field.

She’s leaving academia for the private sector, which she said on Jan. 3, “seems like a more ‘honest’ place for a scientist…

Sam Dorman | January 4, 2017

Now even the price of razors is sexist, according to one Huffington Post UK editor.

Associate Women’s Editor Jenavieve Hatch applauded a British supermarket chain Tesco for lowering the price of women’s razors to that of men…

Sam Dorman | November 23, 2016

Editor’s Note: Some readers might find language offensive

After Donald Trump’s victory Nov. 8, several business leaders freaked. The post-election response even included a CEO’s threat on Trump’s life, but none of…

Sam Dorman | November 8, 2016

CNBC’s Joe Kernen slammed anti-Trump media bias on Nov. 8, and branded The New York Times as an honorary member of the Clinton campaign.

He joked that The New York Times staff had an “honorary position” in the…