Joseph Vazquez | July 1, 2020

ABC’s, CBS’s and NBC’s evening news shows continue to ignore great market news when it steams past their coronavirus panic and has even the slightest chance of making President Donald Trump’s economy look robust.

U.S. stocks “…

Joseph Vazquez | June 17, 2020

Maybe someone should tell ABC World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News that hiding good news to hurt President Donald Trump just solidifies them as liberal propaganda mills.

U.S. retail sales soared a whopping 17.7 percent in May…

Joseph Vazquez | June 10, 2020

Ten thousand examples of bias — all at once. ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows repeated the bias of the night before by ignoring a huge investment milestone.

The Nasdaq Composite stock index closed above 10,000 “for the first…

Joseph Vazquez | June 10, 2020

For those looking for any good news in the market, don’t rely on the lead ABC, CBS, or NBC evening newscasts to cover it consistently for you, especially when it really matters.

The Nasdaq Composite, which is dominated by big…

Joseph Vazquez | June 9, 2020

Need any more proof that the structure ABC News operates under is radically left-wing?

The Walt Disney Company is pledging $5 million in “support of nonprofit organizations that advance social justice, beginning with a $2 million…

In one of the richest counties in America, hundreds of cars line up for food assistance. It’s a scene repeated around the country. But mega-millionaire actor Robert De Niro wants the economy to stay shut down, warning of “a global…

Joseph Vazquez | May 7, 2020

UPDATE: Ana Navarro responded to this story on Twitter, deflecting once again from the conflict of interest problem and instead spewed a "false accusation" against the president. Navarro said:…

Joseph Vazquez | April 22, 2020

When the price of U.S. oil crashed below $0 on Monday, lefty Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) sent out a disgusting tweet praising the coronavirus-induced crash.

She later deleted the tweet, and the cat caught all three major…

Joseph Vazquez | March 26, 2020

It looks like one big-name businessman isn’t allowing the coronavirus to dim his hopes on America’s economic strength.

The Hillary Clinton supporter, billionaire Shark Tank star and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban stated in…

Joseph Vazquez | February 25, 2020

When apparent hoaxer Empire actor Jussie Smollett’s charges were controversially dropped last year for allegedly faking a hate crime incident, the twitter page for the Empire writers rubbed it in everyone’s faces.

Now, liberal…

Joseph Vazquez | February 7, 2020

The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report found that the Trump economy is continuing to pump jobs into the market. And yet, still no evidence of the recession the liberal media have been howling about.

The most recent jobs report…

Joseph Vazquez | January 13, 2020

A new Media Research Center analysis found that the three major network evening newscasts only gave President Donald Trump’s booming economy and U.S. trade nine minutes of coverage since the House Democrats’ impeachment push began on…

Joseph Vazquez | December 5, 2019

At this point, it’s no longer surprising that the liberal media aren’t willing to give President Donald Trump an inch of positive coverage, especially when approval trends shift in his favor.

A new Dec. 2 report from CNBC…

Joseph Vazquez | September 12, 2019

Given ABC’s choice of debate moderators, the likelihood of left-wing bias during the ABC/Univision Democratic debate is already well established. But it turns out, at least 29 executives from ABC, or parent company Disney, have donated to…

Julia A. Seymour | August 20, 2019

In just three nights of coverage, ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts spent more than 11 minutes talking about the threat of recession and economic worries mostly tied to one economic signal.

The main reason for concern was that the…

Julia A. Seymour | July 24, 2019

So much for the Fight for $15! Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I-VT), campaign created a PR crisis for himself after staff complaints that they were being paid “poverty wages” got leaked to the press.

That hypocrisy might have hurt him…

Joseph Valle | July 12, 2019

Wall Street experienced another record-setting day July 11, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 27,000 for the first time ever. 

But you would know little about that new record if you were watching the three broadcast…

Joseph Valle | July 2, 2019

The U.S. officially entered its longest economic expansion ever July 1, boasting 121 straight months without a recession beginning in June 2009. This broke the previous record stretching from March 1991 to March 2001. 


Julia A. Seymour | April 30, 2019

The U.S. economy grew so much more than expected in the first quarter that CNBC’s Rick Santelli called it a “whopper” and “really powerful” news on April 26. A day later, the news made the front page of The…

Julia A. Seymour | April 8, 2019

Given the very few job gains in February and rampant media speculation in March about a coming recession, it was essential that all three evening news shows update their audiences about jobs and unemployment April 5.

But not all of them…