Julia A. Seymour | August 8, 2016

Once again the broadcast networks showed that when it comes to economic news, they pick news that makes Obama look good.

ABC World News and CBS Evening News…

Julia A. Seymour | August 2, 2016

The U.S. economy “sputtered” again in the second quarter, according to The Wall Street Journal. However, that “disappointing” economic news, coming on…

Julia A. Seymour | July 25, 2016

They call it a comeback.

It is true, the U.S. economy is no longer in the depths of what has been called “The Great Recession.” But, in many ways…

Sam Dorman | July 15, 2016

The media exuded panic surrounding the vote for the U.K. to leave the European Union, commonly called Brexit. Reports after the vote panicked over how much markets had fallen, worried about a potential recession for the UK and otherwise attacked…

Sam Dorman | July 11, 2016

Media coverage put a Republican face to the water crisis in Flint. The broader story on lead contamination revealed that Democratic mayors vastly outnumbered Republicans in cities with lead testing problems.

The Flint crisis gained…

Aly Nielsen, Sam Dorman | June 27, 2016

Democracy is all well and good, until the outcome of a popular vote is unpopular with the liberal media.

The people of the United Kingdom voted on June 23, to leave the European Union. The  broadcast news programs tried their own…

Sam Dorman | June 16, 2016

The Federal Reserve announced it wouldn’t raise interest rates, in part due to poor employment growth and economic “headwinds.” Two out of the three broadcast networks ignored the decision.

Federal Reserve…

Mira Ebersole | June 16, 2016

Award-winning actor Richard Dreyfuss lashed out at ABC over its miniseries about fraudster Bernie Madoff. He specifically complained about the network’s refusal to name banks in Madoff.

“They were afraid [the banks] would sue…

Julia A. Seymour | June 14, 2016

President Obama threatened to bankrupt the coal industry before he was elected. Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton recently told coal miners she would put a lot of…

Sam Dorman | June 9, 2016

Disney’s CEO apparently doesn’t sing “Hakuna Matata” when reviewing his company’s taxes.

The Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger slammed the U.S. tax system as “ridiculously complex,” and said the…

Sam Dorman | June 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton made herself look like the out-of-touch elitist she is often criticized for being, but rather than reporting that, broadcast networks hyped her “historic” nomination.

When Clinton spoke against income…

Sam Dorman | June 2, 2016

Liberals often decry corporate greed, but a new report showed that the largest corporations donated $4.8 billion in charity. Three of the highest donating firms were typical media targets: Exxon, Walmart and Goldman Sachs.   

Mira Ebersole | June 1, 2016

Another Obama administration agency has poured cold water on anti-fracking fears so commonly promoted by the liberal media.

The Federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement announced May…

Aly Nielsen | April 13, 2016

Since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling in 2010, the broadcast networks have been whining about corporate influence in politics — but not right now.

The media often attack the conservative Koch brothers for “…

Julia A. Seymour | March 23, 2016

March Madness 2016 has begun filling up sports bars, lowering office productivity and bringing basketball and non-basketball fans together through friendly betting.

Aly Nielsen | March 15, 2016

Imagine if the Koch brothers supported disruptive protests that shut down a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders rally, The broadcast news networks would be tripping over each other to tell the story.

But because it was Soros-funded groups…

Julia A. Seymour | March 9, 2016

When Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri was chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the networks relied on him to warn about the threat of climate change…

Julia A. Seymour | February 10, 2016

The Supreme Court dealt a “major blow” to the Obama administration and the president’s climate agenda late on Feb. 9. NBC, the “Green is Universal…

Sam Dorman | February 3, 2016

When gas prices were high, the media pumped their shows with stories about profit. But when prices were low, those stories took a back seat.

In 2015, gas prices tumbled from a high of $2.80 in June to a low of $2 in December after a glut…

Julia A. Seymour | January 25, 2016

2016 was supposedly the “point of no return” for taking action on global warming, according to former Vice President Al Gore. His tipping point received widespread scorn on the right, resulting in an “Armageddon…