November 14, 2019
If skeptics needed any more evidence that Big Tech is liberally biased, Amazon delivered in a big way.
Amazon published a policy list to “provide customers, investors, policymakers, employees, and others our views on certain issues,”…
November 20, 2019
When the liberal media starts relating their bellyaching over their man-made climate change narrative to an impending “collapse of the information ecosystem,” their propagandizing may have just made the latter a self-fulfilling prophecy…
November 27, 2019
Is a new story from liberal outlet The Washington Post another instance of the pot calling the kettle black?
Liberal Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan decried liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s 2020 candidacy in a Nov. 25…
January 2, 2020
Big Tech censorship has reared its head online and in media, and if reports are to be believed, tech companies may also be targeting their own employees to silence dissenting opinions in the workplace too.
An employee alleged, according to The…
January 22, 2020
One Big Tech company has embraced the opportunity to cash in on the impeachment proceedings.
From breath freshening “Impeachmints” and “National Embarassmints” to anti-Trump scented candles and shirts, Amazon appears to be making money from…
February 11, 2020
Amazon has decided to quietly crack down on books it deems offensive. But the company’s enforcement of standards seems lopsided at best.
The New York Times reported that third-party booksellers on Amazon have been forbidden from selling…
November 8, 2021
Left-leaning populist YouTube celebrity Shoe0nHead called out Prostasia as a “tax exempted pedophile club” and shared purported screenshots calling out the website.
Amazon censors conservative organizations, but allows groups that, at least,…
November 12, 2021
Two-thirds of U.S. adults don’t trust Big Tech and three-fourths say Facebook, in particular, makes American society worse, a new CNN poll finds.
The national survey of 1,004 adults (18 and over), conducted November 1-4, 2021 by SSRS, finds that…
November 23, 2021
It looks like The Washington Post may run into a conflict of interest problem the next time it fawns over former President Barack Obama’s allegedly “chiseled pectorals.”
The Obama Foundation released a statement saying that leftist Post owner…
March 17, 2023
A major, woke activist group tied to leftist billionaire George Soros has been accused of “racial bias” despite making so-called “racial equity” a key component of its mission.
The Washington Post reported Mar. 15 that the LGBTQ fanatics at Human…