October 16, 2023
The New York Times hyped up an eco-extremist group with ties to leftist billionaire George Soros that is scheming to unleash tens of millions of dollars to ensure President Joe Biden’s reelection in 2024.
The Times praised on Oct. 16 how the…
January 3, 2024
How The Associated Press could admit to being financed by eco-extremist donors and yet still claim to be neutral when it comes to its climate change reporting defies common sense.
The AP website lists as one of its “current philanthropic…
January 9, 2024
The climate fanatics at The Washington Post treated an old oxymoronic article claiming that man-made global warming causing more Alaska blizzards as front-page news.
The Post took its Dec. 16, 2023, eco-propaganda headlined, “As Alaska’s climate…
January 10, 2024
With the climate-crazy legacy media touting their scare-inducing global warming headlines, it has become more important to advocate for truth and freedom.
This is what independent journalist Tucker Carlson set about doing when he invited…
January 19, 2024
The eco fanatics over at The Associated Press are trying to have their cake and eat it too by screeching “climate change” to explain both freezing and warm weather happening simultaneously around the world.
AP’s climate agitprop artist-in-chief…
January 23, 2024
The Jerusalem Post decided it was a good idea to twist the Israel-Hamas war into a whining session about how the Jewish state’s military offensive was contributing to the so-called “climate crisis.” Talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a…
March 1, 2024
The legacy media has pushed for EVs for a long time, so it was a shock when CNN realized that the rapid shift to the all-electric future they envisioned wasn’t working the way they hoped.
In a Feb. 26 piece, CNN finally (sort of) came to grips…
March 28, 2024
Renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson ripped the crazy beliefs and goals of climate-crazy global organizations and elites for the “communist” monstrosities that they are.
Peterson dropped the hammer on the insane eco-extremist agenda and the harm…
February 14, 2023
Woke Inc. author Vivek Ramaswamy said that the left’s climate religion “has about as much to do with the climate as the Spanish inquisition had to with Christ which is to say nothing at all.”
The Strive Asset Management Executive Chairman…
February 22, 2023
Want to fight global warming? Start rationing like Britain did in World War 2! At least, that’s the idea that “one of Britain’s oldest and most influential newspapers” is promoting.
British publication The Times ran one of the nuttiest bits of…