March 18, 2024
Google has been getting away with election interference for at least 16 years, and it is showing no signs of stopping.
MRC Free Speech America researchers compiled 41 times Google was caught interfering in U.S. elections, beginning in 2008,…
November 15, 2023
Who is the better person, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi or newly minted Speaker Mike Johnson? Google’s artificial intelligence tool, Bard, has answers that might surprise those unfamiliar with the company’s long history of left-wing bias…
September 27, 2024
While Congressional Republicans were hammering Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey for censoring conservatives on their platforms, Google’s executives sat back smugly, confident that their obscene censorship schemes went undetected.
But our…
MRC Announces First Annual Free Speech Award Winners from Senate: Cruz, Lee, Marshall, Paul, Schmitt
October 21, 2024
For our first annual Free Speech Awards, the Media Research Center (MRC) is honoring 35 champions of the First Amendment, including five members of the U.S. Senate today, 10 members of the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, 10 additional…
March 13, 2025
President Joe Biden and his administration spent four years continuously attacking the First Amendment and the free speech rights enshrined by the nation’s Founders.
The Biden administration’s censorship efforts ran the gamut from coercing…