August 17, 2005
Ive been telling people around the country for months that they
must think all of us are stupid. Usually, someone will come up and
ask me about the mysterious they. Its a simple answer they are…
May 19, 2005
According to the most recent
Washington Post /ABC poll, President Bushs plan to restructure
the Social Security system has lost public support. What the poll
doesnt tell you is that the network news has…
February 22, 2006
Every class has that straight-A student who studies, aces all his
tests and wins all the academic awards. Other students start to envy
him, but the smart students try to learn from him. Hes just working…
February 1, 2006
How much credit does Alan Greenspan deserve for Americas economic
success over the past 18 years? Answer: a lot, but nowhere near all.
I mean no slight to Mr. Greenspan. Indeed, the…
January 18, 2006
There are few guarantees in this life. The most widely recognized
are death and taxes, but its also guaranteed that government isnt
as concerned about your well-being as you are. Liberals claim to…
November 21, 2006
Thanksgiving in America is a time of traditions – turkey and dressing, gathering around the table, watching football and seeing schoolchildren dressed up as Pilgrims and Indians, reenacting the first Thanksgiving. One of the most fascinating…
October 18, 2006
When we were kids, network anchors like Walter Cronkite read us news each night like parents telling stories. But as we’ve grown older, the nightly news stories have transformed into grim fairy tales about some terrifying threat to you and me…
April 11, 2007
If you’re getting a tax refund this year, you’re probably excited. How will you use the money? Save it for a rainy-day pizza party? Upgrade your basic cable TV? If you didn’t get a refund, you’ll especially want to read on.
Funny how big…