November 7, 2003
For The Media, Blackout Was All About Blame
While the nature of the energy industry has changed since 1965 we
are no more dependent on reliable electricity than upon reliably…
June 29, 2004
Close on the heels of the TIME/ABC
News Obesity Summit in Colonial Williamsburg, new research may have
discovered the possibility that the increase in the numbers of obese
Americans could correlate closely…
February 11, 2004
Journalists are usually quite reserved about using the military as
arbiters of scientific credibility. One may recall, for example, the
outraged skepticism expressed over the Pentagons plans to study the…
January 22, 2004
Two studies, one suggesting
that 30 percent of US children surveyed reported eating fast food on
at least one of the two days they were studied, the other claiming
that our teenagers believe they are the…
January 20, 2004
Claims that global warming will cause
mass extinction by 2050 were received with uniformly sympathetic
coverage by media outlets. Newspapers in Britain, Canada and the
United States featured stories…
August 28, 2015
The Huffington Post wrote about claims the Koch brothers “exacerbated the impact of Hurricane Katrina and stalled the Gulf Coast’s recovery.”
The Aug. 27, article was based off of a new report by the Bridge Project. Bridge…
September 10, 2015
You know there’s a problem when a former CEO of a major American company says American CEOs are probably closer to the Chinese premier than they are to President Obama.
This morning on CNBC’s Squawk Box, the hosts and guest were…
September 10, 2015
As part of its HighTaxHillary campaign, Americans for Tax Reform has rediscovered video of Hillary Clinton supporting a 25-percent tax on gun sales. She lent her support for the gun tax during a Senate Finance Committee hearing back in 1993, while…
September 11, 2015
This morning, on CNBC’s Squawk Box, Canadian Pacific CEO Hunter Harrison urged the government to stay out of the railroad industry and allow businesses to upgrade the infrastructure and manage the system themselves.
Harrison also called into…
September 15, 2015
Businessman and reality TV star, Mark Cuban, seems to be jealous of the attention Donald Trump has received while campaigning for the GOP presidential nomination. In an email exchange with CNBC, Cuban discussed how presidential campaigning has…