August 1, 2019
The “science is settled” liberal media don’t want people to know there are scientists, even award-winning ones, who dispute the idea of catastrophic global warming.
Because outlets ignore and censor such scientists, curious…
August 7, 2019
Global demand for air travel is rising, so Vox celebrated a way to shame passengers for flying because of climate change for the second time in a week.
Vox staff writer Umair Irfan promoted the “global flying shame movement” and a new…
August 8, 2019
Following the horrific mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, CNBC asked Visa CEO Alfred Kelly about the role of corporations in gun control.
Kelly condemned the shootings and called for legislative action on gun control, but…
August 9, 2019
Many Democrats running for president in 2020 are calling for “Medicare-for-all” type healthcare, including Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and far-left candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).
Surprisingly, the liberal…
August 12, 2019
Even though some high-profile experts claim the U.S. is not headed for a recession right now, the liberal news media continued to promote economic pessimism during the summer of 2019.
Despite 3.7 percent (near record-low) unemployment, wage gains,…
December 15, 2003
On Monday December 8 ABC offered a
Primetime Special: Whos to Blame? Obesity in America: How to Get
Fat Without Really Trying. Peter Jennings advanced the notion that
assigning personal responsibility is the…
December 5, 2003
Having already issued such gems as the
following, we have to wonder why ABC is risking its glass house
Monday night, December 8, palavering about how the obesity
epidemic in the United States is the fault of…
December 1, 2003
ABCs Meredith Vieiras offered viewers a look into the causes and
costs of obesity without devolving into an indictment of those who
produce and distribute food products in America. Instead, she took
November 24, 2003
In an article
entitled: Alarms Sounded On Cost of GOP Bills; Lawmakers Increase
Spending to Win Votes Jonathan Weisman continues his bleat to the
effect that the federal government isnt collecting enough…
November 20, 2003
Conservatives have no problem letting the market rule, whether we
are talking about ideas or the economy. Liberals, on the other hand,
are only in favor of market-driven decisions when the outcome is…