October 11, 2006
Governments Name:
New York Times Bashes Religious Tax Exemptions
The Times took four days and more
than 17,000 words to argue…
October 4, 2006
When the media talk about wages, its
usually a story of stagnation or decline. So why does the government
say compensation has increased…
September 27, 2006
Prices are Falling, But
While gas prices have been falling,
the nightly newscasts have still referred to high or rising…
September 20, 2006
Good Ol' Days or Part of Ford's Demise?
Ford Motor Co. is in trouble now, and
journalists at the networks are singing their old dirge for the…
September 13, 2006
in ARMs over Mortgages
Foreclosures may be the new housing
boom, say the media, thanks to adjustable-rate mortgages that
homeowners can no longer…
September 6, 2006
Povertys Rise Ends, Slanted Coverage Continues
New government reports show poverty leveling off after
four years of increases. Incomes are up for the…
August 30, 2006
Day or Layoff Day?
Just as youre settling down for your holiday BBQ, the
media led by ABC News want to warn you your job might be in…
August 23, 2006
Anniversary: Katrina Insurance Battle Continues
Journalists have paraded lawyer Dickie Scruggs and his
plaintiffs against insurance companies,…
August 16, 2006
Global Warming Movie Makes the Media
Hot for Al Gore All Over Again
An Inconvenient Truth gave the media a convenient
excuse to…
August 9, 2006
Company II
The Oscars are Hollywoods
presentation of its best. In 2006, half of the best movies
nominated in the top categories portrayed…