April 7, 2017
The liberal media have minimized it, but some business leaders are thrilled with President Donald Trump’s economic proposals.
At the White House April 4, the president met with more than 50 CEOs and business leaders to discuss his economic…
April 7, 2017
First Ivanka’s clothing line, now Yuengling.
Just prior to the presidential election, the owner of Yuengling beer Dick Yuengling, Jr. endorsed Donald Trump. Immediately, liberals called for a boycott of the company.
The New York Times…
April 12, 2017
Even “free” isn’t good enough for liberals.
New York State’s newly-passed 2018 budget included a provision that will pay for the tuition of residents who attend public colleges in the state, building on some of the ideas…
April 12, 2017
Many Americans think the economy is going to be great again.
A new CNBC poll indicated record high optimism about the the economy under President Donald Trump. CNBC senior economics reporter Steve Liesman told Squawk Box viewers on April 12, that…
April 14, 2017
Another liberal says the way to take down President Donald Trump is to hit him where it hurts — in the wallet.
The Intercept published a video from liberal activist and award-winning journalist Naomi Klein giving instructions on ways “…
April 14, 2017
MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor said that Trump’s latest military strikes against Syria and Afghanistan are part of Trump’s overall terrorism strategy: “to strike terrorists where they need to be stuck.…
November 14, 2008
The big television networks and national newspapers failed to cover an outrageous assault on a Michigan church, during which homosexuals, enraged about the voter rejection of same-sex marriage in three states, shouted obscenities and necked with…
March 25, 2009
The April 2009 issue of Self magazine features a four page article about the difficult decision to “selectively reduce multiple embryos.” The problem is, the author left out the voice of those who would never choose that option.
Roxanne Patel…
November 10, 2010
The November 9 episode of Glee titled “Never Been Kissed” was quite the show stopper – unless you're the media. The unexpected homosexual kiss between male high school students was nothing short of jaw-dropping, and yet the liberal media were “ho…
January 26, 2009
Liberal feminists claim that President Obama’s administration will not have enough female representation and that the job creation part of his stimulus plan will favor men.
But on CNN’s Newsroom, lack of the feminist perspective certainly wasn’t…