May 17, 2006
See Full Report
Thanks to the release of Al Gore's latest effort on global warming - this time in book and movie form - climate change is the hot topic in press rooms around the globe. It isn't the first time. The media have warned about…
August 23, 2006
Since Hurricane Katrina, the broadcast networks have linked global warming to more intensive hurricanes, treating higher ocean temperatures as “high-octane fuel.” Yet they have ignored the cooling waters of the Atlantic.…
December 12, 2011
Doctors and manufacturers are colluding against patients and the
hospitals that serve them, according to the September 22 New York
The Times
article cited a…
December 12, 2011
Despite the fact that experts discredit any link between Hurricane
Katrina and global warming, the media continue to talk about it in
print and on at least four major TV networks.
December 12, 2011
The Washington Post and ABCs World News Tonight jumped on
childhood obesity again this week, ignoring personal choice when it
comes to eating, while NBCs Today called for Big Brother to do
December 12, 2011
The Picture of Hype
Networks show exaggerated video of
highest gas prices, hyping daily increases but glossing over the…
May 12, 2022
Big Tech worked tirelessly to silence pro-life voices, but the censorship can’t stop the Supreme Court from overturning bad precedent.
A grievous Supreme Court document leak indicated that the court may overturn Roe v. Wade. Big Tech and the…
September 25, 2020
If President Donald Trump says he will enforce law and order, that’s abusive behavior. But if Twitter users call to burn down the city of Louisville, that’s fine.
Twitter saw no rule violation in the calls to burn down the city of Louisville…
October 2, 2020
Twitter’s attempts to “protect the civic conversation” have gone too far.
Leading into the election this year, Twitter has taken multiple steps to “root out voting misinformation designed to suppress participation in the November elections,” as an…
November 18, 2020
Since the conservative exodus from Twitter and Facebook has begun, the liberal media has wrung its hands over Parler, an alternative to Big Tech platforms.
Parler’s downloads have spiked from 4.5 million to over 10 million just since the…