November 3, 2006
Minimum wage increases will be on the ballot in six states on November 7. PBS’s “Now” took the opportunity to push for broad increases on its October 27 edition, showcasing worker Melone Peyton, who doesn’t even earn minimum…
October 30, 2006
“Off they go into the wild blue yonder; climbing high into the sun.” That’s what a recent PBS segment might have you thinking about “skyrocketing” college costs. But recent evidence showed that college cost growth is…
September 18, 2006
“It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to...”
That’s how the NY Times portrayed the housing market in its September 17 article “Someone’s Spoiling the Party, the Housing Market Says.” The…
September 14, 2006
Say the word “disposable” and most Americans conjure up images of diapers, cameras, razors etc. But reporter and author Louis Uchitelle says business treats workers as disposable and that layoffs might be lethal. …
July 13, 2006
The ’80s song “I Want a New Drug” might as well be the soundtrack for The New York Times and NBC. Both media have dramatically changed the tune on two prescription drugs they once hailed as “breakthroughs” and “promising new…
July 17, 2006
Al Gore may have rubbed elbows with some of the world’s most prominent leaders, but he looked awkward in staged photos as cover boy in the July 14 issue of Entertainment Weekly. He appeared denim jacketed in the hot desert…
June 29, 2006
A June 27 Associated Press article titled “Scientists OK Gore’s Movie for Accuracy” might as well be titled “Gore Supporters Support Gore.”
The AP claimed to “have contacted more than 100 top…
June 19, 2006
Starbucks (Nasdaq: SBUX) has become a convenient morning stop on many hectic commutes. Recent studies have even pointed to coffee’s potential in helping to prevent…
April 30, 2007
“Mind the gap” isn’t just for the London Underground anymore. The April 28 edition of CNN’s “In the Money” lamented a gap in pay between men and women, but the segment itself had a few gaps.
March 13, 2007
In debt? Don’t worry, you won’t be blamed by CNN’s “In the Money” team.
On March 10, the CNN show featured an interview with James Scurlock, maker of the new documentary “Maxed Out,” but left…