May 7, 2020
UPDATE: Ana Navarro responded to this story on Twitter, deflecting once again from the conflict of interest problem and instead spewed a "false accusation" against the president. Navarro said: "Damn right, I donated to @JoeBiden. I…
May 8, 2020
Did MSNBC Legal Analyst Jill Wine-Banks somehow think it wouldn’t be controversial or a stain on her objectivity to fund presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign?
Federal Election Commission…
May 18, 2020
Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg has gone from “scrapping” his plan for an independent expenditure campaign to reportedly planning to spend a heap of cash to support presumptive Democratic nominee for president Joe…
May 28, 2020
LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman, who notoriously backed a group that “spread disinformation during the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate,” is now being joined by other Big Tech billionaires in a plot to boost presumptive…
May 29, 2020
It looks like the media’s efforts to denigrate President Donald Trump’s management of the economy are bouncing off his economic support numbers. Sorry, CNN.
Liberal outlet Reuters released a report headlined “Biden losing…
July 10, 2020
It’s the end of civilization. Again.
Eco-extremists in the liberal media can’t even give themselves a 10-year gap for their end-of-the-world predictions.
The latest Time magazine cover declared that 2020 is our last, best chance to…
July 14, 2020
All three broadcast network evening news shows have been derelict when it comes to reporting good economic news during the Trump era. That continued with good news about sale of new houses.
Sales of newly built homes jumped “55% annually in…
July 15, 2020
Liberal billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations are looking to capitalize on the riots, looting and racial unrest by announcing a massive multimillion-dollar initiative to promote so-called "racial equality."
The New York Times devoured…
July 24, 2020
The Cato Institute recently released a survey showing that the majority of Americans feel they have to self-censor their political views because they might offend people, even lose their jobs.
Welcome to 2020 America.
July 24, 2020
One Fox Business host is letting the Joe Biden camp know what he thinks about his massive leftist spending plans. And he ripped them apart.
Fox Business’s Stuart Varney hammered presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden on spending. He targeted…