October 9, 2019
Another Supreme Court LGBTQ-agenda showdown is in the works. A crucial case dealing with whether the term “sex” in The Civil Rights Act of 1964 can be expanded to include “sexual orientation” is being spearheaded by the…
October 10, 2019
The Hill pulled its punches when it reported liberal mega-donor 2020 candidate Tom Steyer's recently released economic plan, which included “election reform measures, a wealth tax and a mandatory minimum wage hike.”
The Hill…
October 11, 2019
When the media cites a research report, consumers expect them to at least have read it first.
Multiple liberal outlets cited a recently released study from researchers from the European Society of Cardiology. They parroted…
October 16, 2019
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has had a smorgasbord of problems to deal with in the last few months, including death threats. Now, big-name liberals from mega-donors to media elites and Hollywood circles are trying to oust him from…
October 18, 2019
It is interesting to see liberal outlets like CNN singing the praises of nonprofit news outlets like ProPublica and Texas Tribune, particularly because these entities happen to have been funded almost exclusively by some of the biggest liberal…
October 18, 2019
Spending millions on his own campaign, is liberal billionaire Tom Steyer drawing into question his goal of getting money out of politics?
Steyer spent a whopping $47 million “during the first three months of his presidential bid” (84…
October 22, 2019
Editor's Note: This piece has been updated to reflect an editor's note posted by Newsmax. An earlier version of this piece, cited Newsmax's error that Donald Sussman founded Maine Momentum. Sussman's representative informed Newsmax and MRC Business…
October 24, 2019
If you ever wondered why The Walt Disney Company’s entertainment division and ABC News appear to veer to the left, perhaps it’s because top executives at their parent companies have been bankrolling liberals.
Chairman and CEO of The…
October 25, 2019
High-profile liberals whine about the threats of climate change and humanity’s alleged role in causing it. However, they never fail to turn a blind eye to their own hypocrisy when their actions spew more carbon emissions into the atmosphere…
October 28, 2019
Liberal megadonor George Soros believes the arc of history doesn’t bend on its own, so he’s actively engaged in working to bend it.
An Oct. 25, New York Times propaganda piece headlined “George Soros Has Enemies. He’s Fine…