May 7, 2015
This year, there is a special birthday in liberal media. The Nation – the longest consecutively published weekly magazine – is turning 150; and in celebration, it published its longest issue to date. Included was a reprint of the magazine’s Founding…
May 12, 2015
In an effort to revitalize and unify the far-left Democratic party, progressives have relied on the very thing they often criticize -- the deep pockets of a billionaire supporter. Agenda supporters were linked to at least $159 million dollars in…
May 27, 2015
Apparently Tom Steyer knows his Bible better than he knows math. Or perhaps he just hasn’t had a heart to heart with his accountant in several years.Liberal climate change activist and political donor Tom Steyer likened himself to David, fighting…
June 2, 2015
It’s no secret that 1960s rock star turned environmentalist-musician Neil Young of Buffalo Springfield fame uses his celebrity status to push political agendas.In recent years he’s attacked oil and fracking, and soon Young will release an entire…
June 16, 2015
Look at the data. That’s what former Gov. John Sununu of New Hampshire recently told Huffington Post Live about climate change.Sununu’s June 15 appearance with HuffPost Live’s Alyona Minkovski was to discuss his new book “The Quiet Man,” which…
June 25, 2015
The man who plays the Incredible Hulk is angry: “angry that we are still debating climate change,” angry about fossil fuel investment and more.Using the far-left environmental website Grist on June 17, Mark Ruffalo leveraged his fame and popularity…
July 1, 2015
According to liberal actor and anti-vaccine activist Jim Carrey, mandating vaccines for children in order to prevent deadly infectious diseases is fascism.In a June 30 twitter tirade, Carrey attacked California Gov. Jerry Brown as a “corporate…
July 10, 2015
Tom Steyer’s concern for the environment and almost religious devotion to promoting green energy appear to be targeting another kind of green.Steyer, criticized for the hypocrisy of having built some of his fortune on coal, is now connected to green…
July 21, 2005
CBS Talks Down the Economy with Biased Reporting
Trish Regan ignores the
numbers to criticize Greenspans rosy forecast.
by …
July 22, 2015
Liberal NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio recently called for a regulatory attack on ride-sharing company Uber. This set off actor Ashton Kutcher who criticized the mayor’s proposals on Twitter and Facebook calling this an example of “corrupt shortsighted…