February 8, 2006
ABCs Good Morning America asked two different guests if this plan
was just a pipe dream. Meanwhile, The Washington Post suggested
that this could have come straight from the mouth of Jimmy Carter…
January 31, 2006
It turns out that media coverage of the nations economic growth can
vary a lot depending on how strong or weak the economy is doing.
Strong numbers are downplayed or undermined and weak numbers like…
January 20, 2006
In many respects, 2005 was the strongest economic year the United
States has experienced since 1999. The Gross Domestic Product
continued its uninterrupted string of consecutive 3-percent or…
January 4, 2006
This pessimism continued right through Christmas day,
even when the news began to come out that sales through December 24
were quite respectable. As
Reuters reported on December 26: U.S.…
December 20, 2006
When Santa came to Wall Street this year, the media cried and pouted.
With the Dow Jones Industrial Average at an all-time high and commodities markets experiencing one of…
September 6, 2006
As images of hurricane victims filled the nation’s TV screens last September, network reporters and contributors painted the war on poverty as “ignored and lost.” But when the poverty rate recently showed an end to its four-…
June 17, 2006
The three broadcast networks have focused growing attention on inflation recently – 42 stories since early May. CBS anchor Bob Schieffer declared on June 14 “Well, it is back, inflation, that is.” The following day, ABC’s…
December 12, 2011
For two
weeks since hurricane Katrina made landfall, Americas media have
been presenting startling images of an impoverished New Orleans.
Unfortunately, many journalists have been as inaccurate with their…
December 1, 2021
The Heritage Foundation technology policy research fellow Kara Frederick in congressional hearing testimony cited Media Research Center ground-breaking analysis on the political impacts of Big Tech’s censorship, including how Big Tech stole the 2020…
December 2, 2021
A government-controlled news outlet threatens another country with becoming “cannon fodder.” A ruler hurls insults at another nation and demands that allies sever all ties with that nation. A government official accuses another country of bringing “…