February 24, 2006
Pickens gave $165 million to Oklahoma State University (OSU), and
Mike Holder, the schools athletic director, made the decision to
invest the programs new money with a hedge fund headed by Pickens…
February 22, 2006
The Benefit Battle
Maryland passed a law aimed directly at Wal-Mart, and unions and the
media have been hailing it as precedent-setting and
groundbreaking, as CBSs Russ Mitchell and Anthony…
February 15, 2006
Boehner gave him a straightforward reply: Tim, we didnt. He
explained that the budget-reduction measure signed by Bush would
expand benefits for students, higher loan limits, lower origination…
February 8, 2006
ABC News did a series of stories in October 2005 called Loose Nukes
on Main Street, implying that terrorists could easily gain access
to nuclear reactors in the United States and the Nuclear Energy…
February 1, 2006
The senior citizens she interviewed were unhappy with the idea of
health savings accounts (HSAs), and Regan egged them on in their
concerns instead of presenting the facts. Did he adequately address…
January 18, 2006
Unlike the government, business leaders have the leeway
to make tough choices about their expenditures and the financial
health of their companies. Thats important as the government-backed
Pension Benefit…
January 11, 2006
Despite the fact that mining
fatalities in the United States have dropped while production
has increased, the news media have indicted an entire industry and
the Sago mine in…
June 8, 2005
Learning from an existing system
Study parameters In the initial Social Security study, first published in April 2005, the Business…
April 27, 2005
See Full Study
Social Security has been the most debated domestic issue of George W. Bush’s second term. Baby boomers begin retiring as early as 2008, and the nation’s retirement system faces an income shortfall beginning as early as 2017,…
April 27, 2005
See Executive Summary
In the Social Security reform debate, liberals have promised 'guaranteed' tax-funded benefits. Conservatives have warned that the outdated retirement program is nearing guaranteed bankruptcy. But the only real guarantee in…