October 28, 2015
Today’s Hollywood liberals are so vicious that the few conservatives in their midst must operate in secret to preserve their careers.
“If an actor comes out for Ted Cruz, they’ll be demonized,” actress Morgan Brittany told…
October 28, 2015
The focus of the CNBC Republican presidential debate was supposed to be economic policy: taxes, trade, immigration and how to generate economic growth.
The two-part Oct. 28, debate, titled “Your Money, Your Vote,” focused on the broad…
October 30, 2014
Bankers and capitalism are to blame for worldwide economic turmoil. That’s the controversial perspective preached by a reinvented Sherlock Holmes character on CBS’s “Elementary,” played by British actor Jonny Lee Miller.…
March 26, 2015
Many in the liberal news media again demonstrated their inability (or unwillingness) to identify communism when they see it.
Fast food restaurant Taco Bell “pulled out all the stops” with its new ad released March 24, according to The Hollywood…
April 9, 2015
Surprise! Millions of uninsured Americans could owe Uncle Sam extra this tax season because of Obamacare.
The IRS began penalizing tax filers this year if they failed to purchase insurance in 2014. Obamacare, formally known as the Affordable Care…
May 12, 2015
NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd announced on Sunday they were starting a new series called "Meet the Money: The Billionaire Donors." They started with GOP-backing Sheldon Adelson. When will they get to George Soros?
In an effort to…
July 14, 2015
Prominent scientists say genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are vital to feeding the world and solving undernourishment, but the broadcast networks were more focused on unproven claims about their “potential health risk.”
GMOs are…
July 22, 2015
Liberal NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio recently called for a regulatory attack on ride-sharing company Uber. This set off actor Ashton Kutcher who criticized the mayor’s proposals on Twitter and Facebook calling this an example of “corrupt…
July 28, 2015
Climate alarmist James Hansen recently dropped a “bombshell” study about rising seas, at least according to the media hyping his claims.
The former NASA lead climate scientist claimed sea levels could rise 10 feet in 50 years, which is…
August 3, 2015
Lefty billionaires Warren Buffett and George Soros, who have used their fortunes to influence the media, could learn from the example of the late media mogul Roy H. Park Sr.
In the 2015 revised edition of Sons in the Shadow, Roy H. Park Jr.…