November 13, 2019
You might not be exciting enough to be on a government watchlist, but Big Tech companies have allegedly taken a great interest in users’ private lives. Facebook may have been watching users through their cameras while they scroll through their…
November 14, 2019
If skeptics needed any more evidence that Big Tech is liberally biased, Amazon delivered in a big way.
Amazon published a policy list to “provide customers, investors, policymakers, employees, and others our views on certain issues,”…
November 15, 2019
Facebook released a “report” on Wednesday, which is anything but transparent concerning its censorship and deplatforming of millions.
“The company said it removed more than 3.2 billion fake accounts between April and September,…
November 18, 2019
It’s all just a conspiracy! News Editor trashes The Wall Street Journal for its exposure of Google’s biased practices.
Search Engine Land's News Editor Barry Schwartz wrote an article “Misquoted and misunderstood: Why we, the…
November 19, 2019
Millions of Americans’ medical data was reportedly shared with Google, and even liberals are calling foul.
Democratic leaders, including House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone Jr. (D-NJ) and colleagues Anna Eshoo (D-…
November 20, 2019
In what could be perceived as a subtle barb at Facebook, and perhaps even Twitter too, Snapchat declared its commitment to battling “misinformation” with the upcoming election in mind.
“We subject all advertising to…
November 20, 2019
Facebook has taken heat for supporting free speech and for including Breitbart in its “News” tab, and now its VP of global marketing solutions is making a stand.
Yesterday, Gizmodo wrote its not-so-objective commentary that “…
November 21, 2019
Facebook has become more open to some policies that the right has fought for.
“President Donald Trump hosted a previously undisclosed dinner with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook board member Peter Thiel at the White House in October…
November 22, 2019
Countering the liberal media call to censor conservatives, the former president came out swinging against Chinese-style censorship on Big Tech platforms and took a stand for free speech online.
“At a high-dollar fundraiser on Thursday”…
November 25, 2019
An actor and comedian famous for his shenanigans as the character Borat blasted the Big Tech community for being “the greatest propaganda machine in history” and knocking Facebook for its recent free speech stance.
Sacha Baron Cohen…