October 2, 2008
How do you get nominated for a magazine award? Do something that offends almost everyone and tears down an American icon at the same time. Even better, claim you were just trying to get “attention.”
That’s certainly the strategy Time…
August 28, 2008
The American economy is a “disaster.” The media have been singing that song for at least a year. When a presidential candidate recites the refrain, it’s news. Or it should be. But in the election of 2008, such a ridiculous claim…
June 12, 2008
Science fiction often suggests “The future is now.” ABC has taken that to heart and gone from reporting the news to predicting the future.
Working with left-wing activists, the network is warning people that civilization is poised to go…
May 23, 2008
There’s bad news and then there’s CNN’s “American Morning.” The May 23 broadcast warned of a “tipping point” for the economy, and anchor John Roberts asked an economist whether we were facing the “the D-word,” meaning depression.
That’s an…
May 14, 2008
To say we’re in a recession or not to say we’re in the recession, that used to be the question. Not anymore, according to polls released on the NBC “Nightly News” April 29.
“When asked if we’re in a recession, 81 percent [of Americans]…
March 19, 2008
Presumptive GOP presidential nominee John McCain is using the idea of global togetherness to promote “a cap-and-trade system” to battle climate change. He said “Americans and Europeans need to get serious about substantially reducing greenhouse…
March 11, 2008
Just when you thought it was safe to trust your tap water, it would appear dehydration is your only option.
The Associated Press detailed a five-month study that found trace amounts of pharmaceuticals in the drinking water supplies of…
March 6, 2008
Kosovo declared independence from Serbia two weeks ago and has much work to do in building its economy. But the top challenge might be environmental groups opposed to mining the natural resources that are the nation’s greatest asset.
February 26, 2008
Better safe than sorry must be ABC’s motto.
Likening the threat of rising temperatures to the peril of nuclear annihilation, “Good Morning America” toured the recently opened “Doomsday Vault,” an underground ice fortress designed to…
February 5, 2008
The apparently conflicted Washington Post wrote a story that complains Bush’s new budget both creates deficits by overspending and doesn’t fund domestic programs enough.
The Bush plan, which includes an economic “stimulus” plan approved…