May 23, 2006
ABCs Kofman Blows Past
Skeptical Scientists in Hurricane Season Story
Reporter left out detractors of global
warming link,…
May 23, 2006
CNNs Serwer Dismisses
Study Finding No Price Gouging
ABC and NBC briefly reported the story
without commentary.
By Ken…
May 22, 2006
Parade on the March
Again, Downbeat on Economy
Magazine leaves out strong economy,
Bernankes forecast of soft landing in housing…
May 19, 2006
Morning Shows Ignore
Vote to Keep Ban on Offshore Oil Drilling
The same media outlets covered the
anti-business push to investigate…
May 18, 2006
CNNs Dobbs Continues to
Ignore Growth in Auto Industry
Anchor blames free trade for foreign
dominance, but doesnt point to the job…
May 17, 2006
ABC sees student loan
crisis, ignores hot job market
NBC and USA Today report best market
in four years for college graduates…
May 15, 2006
United Nations Reports
Success in Containing Bird Flu in East Asia
News comes days after alarmist ABC movie
capitalized on fears of a…
May 12, 2006
It comes naturally to the media to leave out the liberal label
when presenting an advocacy group in its consumer stories. Thats
what ABC reporters did with a May 11 World News Tonight story on a…
May 12, 2006
Big Government is raking in big bucks from higher gasoline prices,
ABCs Dan Harris reported on the May 11 World News Tonight.
Everyone knows Saudi Arabia and ExxonMobil (NYSE…
May 11, 2006
NSA has massive database of Americans phone calls, blared the
headline for the May 11 USA Today. But a government agency many
Americans dread, particularly every April, has much more personal…