August 15, 2011
Read the Full Report
Read the Executive Summary
Center for Public Integrity
Board of Directors:
Christiane Amanpour - Anchor of 'This Week with Christiane Amanpour,' ABC's Sunday morning political affairs program
Sheila Coronel - Director of The…
February 28, 2012
George Soros
has donated more than $8 billion globally to his Open Society
Foundations. Couple that with decades of investing around the world and
it would be easy to assume Soros in a figure of global popularity.
Only he isn’t. He’s almost the…
March 16, 2012
It happens every spring. The players take their positions
for the big game. The fans start screaming as the huge numbers on the board go
up and up and up.
No, it’s not college basketball. It’s a madness of a
different kind, as anchors and…
June 13, 2006
The June 9 “Now with David Brancaccio” could well have been titled PBS’s “Tin-Foil Conspiracy Theatre” as the newsmagazine looked at death of the electric car from the Michael Moore-like lens of a left-wing filmmaker.…
June 9, 2006
On the June 8 “Nightly News,” NBC’s Brian Williams squeezed in a Democratic talking point when reporting the Senate vote on the death tax. While Williams said that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn…
June 12, 2006
As graduation season wound down, the June 12 USA Today alarmed readers with a look at the “growing number of college grads” who owe more than $100,000 in student loans. But even the article’s author briefly conceded that’s…
June 14, 2006
ABC’s Charlie Gibson promised his June 13 “World News Tonight” viewers a look at “why a leading consumer group has a bone to pick over the fat in KFC food.” But that organization was none other than the Center for Science in…
October 4, 2006
No matter how the economy is doing, the word 'recession' never seems too far away. CBS began the year with talk of a recession and similar discussion has cropped on up ABC and CNN throughout 2006 and even going back to…
December 14, 2006
Looking for factual medical reporting that avoids milking tragedy to create hype? If you’ve made an appointment to watch the CBS “Evening News,” you may want to get a second opinion.
While all…
June 23, 2006
CNN’s Larry King isn’t exactly known for playing hardball, but his June 13 softball interview was the perfect game for former Vice President Al Gore to cap off his round of TV appearances on global warming. …