April 2, 2020
Worried about the spread of the coronavirus? Many are, but is allowing the United States government to track people using location data a good idea?
A slim majority of 84 tech experts surveyed have said that the U.S. government should not harness…
July 29, 2009
Since Congressmen do not even read the bills they pass anymore, Barbara Walters asked the question on many Americans’ minds about healthcare “reform”: “What is the bill? Does anyone know?” A valid question, but unfortunately, “The View” turned to a…
July 21, 2009
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has found that the current plan for healthcare reform will add to the nation’s deficit and drive healthcare costs up, not down. However, House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-SC, and disgraced former CBS…
June 15, 2009
The media’s obsession with chemicals in children’s products has led to a national health scare over the chemical bisphenol A (BPA). It’s a scare the rest of the world sees as unnecessary and irrelevant, according to a new study by the Statistical…
June 1, 2009
As GM filed for a long expected bankruptcy under Chapter 11 on June 1, CBS’s “The Early Show” offered a report this morning that failed to acknowledge key facts and opinions regarding the bankruptcy and the role of the federal government and the…
December 29, 2022
If you got a laptop, a new smartphone, a new electric vehicle or pretty much anything fitted with a rechargeable lithium ion battery for Christmas this year, there’s a bit of bad news on batteries the legacy media have been keeping from you.
December 18, 2020
The man who coined the term “Intellectual Dark Web” suggested that if the United States is willing to put up with institutional tyranny, “[t]hen maybe we deserve Chinese Communism.”
Eric Weinstein opined that the United States might just “deserve…
February 23, 2021
Donald Trump Jr. decided to lead the charge in combating Big Tech by joining YouTube alternative Rumble.
“It’s a platform that still believes in freedom of speech,” he said of his decision to use Rumble. “It’s not like so many of the other social…
March 3, 2021
So much for the phrase “justice for all.” Amazon reportedly removed a documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas from its Prime Video service in February — Black History Month.
The platform added the documentary to its service…
March 22, 2021
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell joined with The Heartland Institute to warn of the threat that Big Tech poses to the United States.
Bozell set the tone of how dangerous Big Tech’s unparalleled power has become for America during a…