July 17, 2007
The Iraq War is too expensive. Americans would be better off spending it on schools and hospitals. That’s the word from CNN’s July 14 “Your $$$$$” or “Your Money” program.
“This is a…
June 25, 2007
CNN’s “In the Money” offered a special slant on business news June 23 – a slant leaning left.
Far left.
In the first 16 minutes of the supposed business show, it…
June 13, 2007
Americans work hard for their money. Too hard, according to CNN. Even worse than even grovelling medieval peasants scratching the land to survive.
That conclusion came from reporter Polly Labarre of…
June 29, 2010
Apparently the “rockets' red glare” isn't “green” enough for some environmentalists.
Fourth of July fireworks displays have been deemed “ecologically hazardous” by some eco-warriors, who are urging environmentally-conscious Americans to shun the…
June 28, 2010
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan remains largely a mystery to the general public, even though her nomination hearing starts today. Thanks to a virtual media blackout on Kagan's more controversial political stances and associations, Americans still…
June 14, 2010
Parents who assume the Nickelodeon website is kid-friendly should think again – its homepage links to a sister website called AddictingGames.com that features racy, sex-focused video games like “Naughty Babysitter,” “Booty Rider,” and “You da Sperm…
December 15, 2003
On Monday December 8 ABC offered a
Primetime Special: Whos to Blame? Obesity in America: How to Get
Fat Without Really Trying. Peter Jennings advanced the notion that
assigning personal responsibility is the…
December 5, 2003
Having already issued such gems as the
following, we have to wonder why ABC is risking its glass house
Monday night, December 8, palavering about how the obesity
epidemic in the United States is the fault of…
December 1, 2003
ABCs Meredith Vieiras offered viewers a look into the causes and
costs of obesity without devolving into an indictment of those who
produce and distribute food products in America. Instead, she took
November 24, 2003
In an article
entitled: Alarms Sounded On Cost of GOP Bills; Lawmakers Increase
Spending to Win Votes Jonathan Weisman continues his bleat to the
effect that the federal government isnt collecting enough…