May 24, 2010
Apparently, having Goldman Sachs connections is only a problem if you’re a Republican.While on May 20, The Los Angeles Times gleefully reported that Meg Whitman dropped in the polls for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in California, they…
May 20, 2010
If celebrities, movies, and former vice presidents can’t sell people on global warming, maybe a cartoon can.At least that’s what The New Yorker was hoping with its May 17 cover showing the “evolution” of global warming. The cartoon is a montage of…
May 26, 2010
Newsweek’s Michael Hirsh doesn’t want the government to have a hand in financial reform. On the contrary, he’d rather the government have both hands firmly around Wall Street.
In his May 21 Newsweek Web Exclusive, Hirsh was outraged that the “…
May 19, 2010
The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree and, in the case of the mainstream media, the analysis doesn’t fall far from the network agenda.
On May 17, NBC’s “Today” and CBS’ “Early Show,” along with all three network evening news programs,…
March 20, 2009
Maybe he’ll fare better than other aging child stars, but for now, he’s something of an embarrassment. Cute and cuddly sold climate panic. Predatory and perilous does not.Two years ago on March 23, Knut the polar bear cub who was saved by zookeepers…
March 6, 2009
On March 5, Jim Cramer published a response on his website to White House attacks on his credibility on financial issues. The most startling aspect of the response was Cramer’s admission on his politics. “To be totally out of the closet, I actually…
March 9, 2009
Even with our economic troubles, things are not yet as bad at the Depression-era with its unemployment level of about 25 percent. But that didn’t stop the “Today” show from drawing the comparison with a “modern day shanty town” near the “railroad…
March 5, 2009
It’s a bad time to be taking a “business” trip to a luxurious retreat in a warm climate. Especially if you’re doing it on someone else’s dime. If the networks find out, they’ll sneak hidden cameras in and report every detail of your lavish parties,…
February 25, 2009
What a crime! A profitable company honors a contract and spends its own money to host events for clients – the audacity!Taking a page from ABC’s AIG hit job, NBC’s “Today Show” on Feb. 25 took a cheap shot at Northern Trust Bank for the perceived…
February 16, 2009
In case you were unaware, soft drinks may be hazardous to your teeth.ABC’s Diane Sawyer made that abundantly clear in a report during the Feb. 13 “20/20. The report was the product of two years investigating the poverty and adversity faced by…