June 15, 2010
Forget Canada. If you’re fed up with America’s health care system, flee to…Rwanda.
In a June 14 New York Times article titled “A Dirt-Poor Nation, With a Health Plan,” reporter Donald G. McNeil Jr. celebrated the African nation’s “national health…
June 11, 2010
If tighter fuel emission regulations, commuter taxes, and carbon credits can’t reduce global warming, then perhaps whiter clouds will do the trick.
That’s the solution championed in a June 11 USA Today story. The story focused on a news conference…
June 9, 2010
Make sure to die when an estate tax is in effect, or the New York Times will be upset.
In a June 8 article, Times reporter David Kocieniewski complained about an “accounting quirk” that allowed Texas pipeline tycoon Dan L. Duncan’s heirs to inherit…
June 9, 2010
Even the food police can’t catch every criminal.
At least that was the tone of a June 8 AP brief regarding a report by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council claiming that the Food and Drug Administration is “stretched thin and…
June 2, 2010
If Jean Healge had been in “Mean Girls,” it’s safe to say she wouldn’t have been a member of The Plastics.
In a story light on facts but heavy on praise, CNN’s “American Morning” profiled Heagle and her two and a half-year quest to rid her life of…
December 18, 2006
College costs are on congressional Democrats’ “first 100 hours” agenda for their legislative control, starting in January. And on December 16, CNN’s “In the Money” hyped the issue in advance.
The segment was nothing but a blame game.…
December 11, 2006
I generate enough revenue to grant 5 million individuals access to appropriate health care. I provide every child in Botswana with education to age 13. I am essential to the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. I generate more than 40 percent of…
November 21, 2006
“So are we OK or in the early stages of a housing-led crash that might depress us all?”
That was the leading question of PBS economics correspondent Paul Solman on the November 17 “NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.”
The segment on the “…
October 13, 2006
“Support Environmentalists With a Rope.”
On the October 11 “Moyers on America” show, titled “Is God Green?” Rocky Barker used these five words to sum up Republican sentiment towards environmentalists. Barker, environmental reporter for…
April 23, 2007
Would-be president Dennis Kucinich voiced “concern” over possible “$4 a gallon” summer gas prices and directed blame toward oil companies on CNN’s “In the Money.”
Hosts Ali Velshi and Christine Romans lobbed softball questions at the…