May 13, 2008
The feature article on The Washington Post’s “Kid's Post” May 13, entitled “The Heat is On,” asked its young readers to consider whether or not polar bears "deserve" protection under the Endangered Species Act. …
June 16, 2009
Most nurses are ethical, right minded, and honest, but not Showtime’s “Nurse Jackie.” all of these qualities were disregarded. In the new show, nurses are instead portrayed in a negative light – something Showtime tried to capitalize on by screening…
November 14, 2007
Gas prices have been going up, and at least one grandmother is upset.
“Why am I spending my grandchildren’s college money so I can drive this car? Why? What is – what is the reason for this?” she asked on the November 14 “Good Morning…
October 10, 2007
ABC, NBC, and CBS couldn’t find a temperature that was “just right” to fit yesterday’s projections of the upcoming winter months by the Energy Department.
Whether winter was to be warmer or colder, the networks all assured viewers it was…
May 14, 2008
To say we’re in a recession or not to say we’re in the recession, that used to be the question. Not anymore, according to polls released on the NBC “Nightly News” April 29.
“When asked if we’re in a recession, 81 percent [of Americans]…
March 11, 2008
Just when you thought it was safe to trust your tap water, it would appear dehydration is your only option.
The Associated Press detailed a five-month study that found trace amounts of pharmaceuticals in the drinking water supplies of…
March 6, 2008
Kosovo declared independence from Serbia two weeks ago and has much work to do in building its economy. But the top challenge might be environmental groups opposed to mining the natural resources that are the nation’s greatest asset.
February 26, 2008
Better safe than sorry must be ABC’s motto.
Likening the threat of rising temperatures to the peril of nuclear annihilation, “Good Morning America” toured the recently opened “Doomsday Vault,” an underground ice fortress designed to…
July 21, 2009
Any article seeking to gin up support for universal health care would have to rely on skewed numbers and sins of omission. Sure enough, “Health Care Proposal is Not Yet Final” by Philip Elliott of the Associated Press fit the bill.
In the article…
June 18, 2009
ABC News is giving away free advertising! Or Sam Champion is, anyway. On the June 18 edition of “Good Morning America” the weatherman-when-he’s-not-busy-saving-the-planet did his best to help DVD sales of Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth,” and then…