March 5, 2008
A New Special
Report from BMI: Global Warming Censored
Consistently viewers are being sent only one message from ABC,
CBS and NBC: global warming is an environmental…
February 27, 2008
Depression Coverage: All of the Hype, but None of the Bread
to some network journalists, todays economic indicators are
just this…
February 20, 2008
ElectionWatch: Networks Downplay
Earmarks, Despite Millions Spent by Clinton and Obama
oink. Did you know that Congress used earmarks to spend $18.3
February 13, 2008
Consumer Confidence: Only News When It's
media love to talk about the governments measure of consumer
opinion about the economy but only when its…
February 6, 2008
The Worst-Case Economy Reporting Handbook
are filled with sob stories about economic woes of
"average Americans." But most of those featured are hardly
January 30, 2008
Hey Big Spender! Media Fail to Report Cost of Campaign
How much does universal health…
January 23, 2008
Media Stimulate Recession and Tax Rebate Frenzy by Twisting Fed
Chairman's Words
Its economic stimulus packages galore in the media since Fed…
January 16, 2008
Media Nearly Unanimous: Recession Inevitable
Did you know two prominent surveys of economists…
January 9, 2008
ElectionWatch: Media Ignore,
Misreport 'FairTax' amid Huckabee Surge
Republican presidential…
December 16, 2009
Go Easy on Obama As He Reinvents, Extends TARP to Weeks before
Midterm Elections
Network news shows barely report criticism of 'slush fund'
tactics, although they…