April 23, 2009
“NBC Nightly News” has found another populist cause for President Barack Obama to champion – banks passing along higher costs to issue credit to borrowers instead of bearing the brunt themselves.
An April 22 “Nightly News” segment went after…
August 13, 2007
What’s happening to the stock market? One thing is certain – the network news shows have no idea.
The August 10 NBC “Nightly News” turned to ‘Armageddon’ soothsayer Jim Cramer. ABC “World News…
April 18, 2009
It was Fox News against the world about tea party coverage, but CNN “Lou Dobbs Tonight” host showed he’s just as disgusted with some of the coverage as many conservatives are.
Dobbs, on his April 17 radio program, criticized comedian Janeane…
April 20, 2009
He may have toned down his rancor toward the policies of President Barack Obama, but CNBC “Mad Money” host showed viewers he’s still capable of an outburst at a moment’s notice – even when no one could see it coming.
On CNBC’s April 17 “Power…
August 10, 2007
The media have found their new poster boy to rail against the coal industry.
MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann,” but with Allison Stewart filling in for an absent Olbermann, had anti-coal…
August 9, 2007
Despite all the bombs thrown by media, News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch was still able to work out a deal for the Wall Street Journal. But, journalists almost kept it from happening.
“Murdoch also said…
August 9, 2007
The “CBS Evening News” is really pulling out all the stops to make the push for socialized medicine, but they’re not being correct with their presentation of the facts.
“It’s well known that…
April 13, 2009
Global warming “victims” could be able to sue the government and companies if two congressmen have their way.
Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” host Steve Doocy examined a provision inserted into a bill written by House Energy and…
April 13, 2009
While U.S. banks and automakers may be benefiting from taxpayer bailouts, they certainly haven’t escaped criticism of everything from their executive compensation and their business practices to the ethics of their leadership. Not so with another…
August 8, 2007
Hybrid vehicles are all the rage these days.
Even Paris Hilton is out promoting hybrid vehicles. “Tonight, I’m here,” said Hilton at BPM Magazine’s July party. “I came in a hybrid car because…